Getting a M29 50th Anniversary


New member
Well, I couldnt stand it any longer...seeing that 50th Anniversary Model 29 dash 10 with 6.5 inch barrel
setting in the gun room at Cabelas in its oak presentation case and priced at 729.00, and had to come back today and put my money down on it. I had wanted this model when they came out, but I guess the 1024.00 held me back.
Nostalgia attacks during middle age and the things you didnt get 25 years ago
you tend to want now. I've had a couple of other .44 mags over the years( Ruger superBlackhawk, Interarms Viginian Dragoon) but never the M29.
This one got good reviews when it came out in late 2006




New member
I too have wanted a model 29 for a long time. Last night I caught the ending of Dirty Harry and that sure didn't help.
Beautiful gun, there are few that look as good as a model 29 S&W IMO.