GET REAL!!!!!!!!


Siggy, I'm sure all of us here share your dedication to the protection of yourself and your families life and well being using just one of the tools we have to do that (guns). However, I cring to think of how the above could be used out of context by any anti lurkers.

Gunslinger TFL Imperial Potentate

TFL End of Summer Meet, August 12th & 13th, 2000


New member
A little goes a long way here on the Net.
Some things are best left to ourselves, even if they are true...
just my $.01/2

...defend the 2nd., it protects us all.
No fate but what we make...


New member
Siggy, you're supposed to grind the coffee beans, not eat them...


NRA? Good. Now join the GOA!


New member
Did we get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? :eek:

We preserve our freedoms by using four boxes: soap,ballot,jury, and cartridge.


New member
That's damn sure a better deterent to criminals then the "it's not your fault you dear sweet murder rapist type, it's that unresolved psychological conflict forcing you to do it" policy that most anti's support.


New member

If, God forbid, you did really have to shoot someone in self defence, the statement above could be used to convict you of murder. Since you live in the PRK, the liberals there would probably pull out all the stops to make you look like you wanted to kill someone. This would not only be terrible for you, but would make all gun owners look bad. We have plenty of anti's trying to make us look like a bunch of lunatics, we don't need to help them. No flame intended, just something I hope you will think about.


"There are people who do not mind the fact that O.J. Simpson walks free. There are people who do not mind the fact that Lon Horiuchi is not only not punished for his atrocity at Ruby Ridge, but he continues on the public payroll. There are those who know who killed Vince Foster, but are not bothered by the fact that the subject has been dropped officially. I mind those things. Do you?" - Jeff Cooper

Gary H

New member
Point being that you want to help and protect yourself and your family. That happens on many different levels. One very important level is on making sure that should you ever have to legitimately protects your own, that statements such as the above can not be brought against you. I doubt that someone will ever dig this statement out of the electronic debris, but what you say to friends and associates will be brought up against you. You behind bars is not a good outcome. Granted, better than someone close to you ending up dead, but better that you do what you are forced to do and that you remain free to spend your days with your family.


Staff Emeritus

I strongly suggest *you* “Get Real”.

What you describe is murder.

If you, your family and/or anyone in your care are suddenly put in fear of
*immediate* serious bodily injury or death by another person or persons,
many states have laws which permit you to use force or deadly force to
protect yourself, your family, frequently other innocent persons, and
sometimes (rarely) even property.

If and when such a threat is stopped and/or neutralized, you are not
permitted to execute your attacker.

Even if you are not arrested, indicted, or tried for a criminal offense, you are
still subject to civil suits. Even if you are 100% in the right, the criminal and
civil proceedings can cost you your reputation, your job, your home and other
property. The cost of defense can destroy a common man. The stress can
destroy relationships among your friends and (worse) even among your

Please, for the *get real* safety of your family, take a proper course of
instruction in firearms safety and the *legal* use of force and deadly force.
Obey the law.

Over-reacting can leave your family financially destitute and without *any*
protection while you serve a prison sentence as the “girl friend” of Tonga the

Avoidance of potential violence is still the best option.
Non-violent resolutions are next best (even if you appear to be a wimp).
Force, especially deadly force, is the last, final, and worst resolution to *any*

And *that*, sir, is common sense.


New member
Check the caps lock Bubba. We get your point without shouting. No flame intended just that all caps are kinda hard on the eyes. :)

Matt VDW

New member
Now I'm thinking about harming the monkeys. ;)



George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Sorry guys... I deleted that first post because I feel that it possed a gross negative impact to TFL.

Dennis - I see you got here first - and I am sorry if I stepped on your toes as you saw this and left that post up...
But I could not in good conscience leave that crap there.

Siggy, check your Email.

You might laugh in the face of FEAR... but unless your armed, its a nervous, unconvincing, little laugh.


New member
BG beating at my door - I grab gun and collect family in back room - I yell from other side of room "MOVE AWAY FROM THE DOOR M*TH*R F*CK*R, I HAVE A GUN POINTED AT THE DOOR AND WILL FIRE WHEN YOU ENTER" - BG opens door - I fire until threat is no longer apparent(BG on floor or out door) - Police arrive and collect BG in whatever condition he is in.

I DO NOT have athorization to use lethal force for unsubstantiated threats or BG "thinking" about harming myself or mine. If you do as you say against a BG incapacitated on the floor, you are a CRIMINAL in need of PROCECUTION at that point. I agree that I would rather have a BG dead than injured, but I will not murder anyone simply because they are bad. That is NOT my job, and besides that, it is illegal and morally wrong.


Sig 229 .40 - When you care enough to shoot the very best!

James E

Damn it...what did I miss...missed Siggy's post, I'm always an hour late and a dollar short. S.O.B. Not blaiming you Geo, we sometime get too long in the flame.


New member
Lord forgive me! Yes I get a little hot headed in my posts, but, I feel my first ammendmant rights are just as important as my second. I PROMISE (CAP LOCKS INSTEAD OF SHIFT...OOOPS!!!!) to tone it doownn from this point on to keep the anti's who may use this as "case in point" material against truue believers in the second ammendmant. I will say 3 hail mary's and 5 our fathers as an act of atonement for my transgressions.


New member

And after the Hail Mary's, you must read the Bill of Rights three times out loud. :D

"Carry" on


I prefer armed combat to unarmed combat. It's easier on the knuckles.


Just a quick comment Siggy. Your First Amendment Rights only apply here as long as The Admins want them to. THis isn't a flame but the fact of the matter is that this is a privatly owned board. If they don't want a post here or for a person to post here then they can Delete the post or the account. It is like someone coming into your house around your kids. This person starts Cussing and calling people names. Or yalling bout how he is going to kill someone. Well I can't speak for anyone else but that person would find thier @ss out on the side of the road if it was my home. Take a look over at it ever comes back up) and see what happens when the moderators don't edit or delete posts that could cause trouble. I started on that board and love it over there but there are some people who just don't get it. But thankfully the Mods are starting to crack down. I hope soon it will be back in order.
Actually, all, there are NO First Amendment rights that apply here. None.

Last time I looked, The Firing Line wasn't listed as a Federal Agency. The First Amendment only limits the Federal Government's ability to pass/enforce laws that would abridge your rights to free speech.

If, however, the Federal Government passed a law saying that no one could talk about firearms on computer chatboard, THAT would be a whole different ballgame.

Simply put, the Firing Line is a private commercial venture, and EVERYTHING we post here is at the discression (sp?) and pleasure of George, Dennis, and the rest of the moderators.

I used to get comments like this all the time when I was a moderator over on Compuserve's (now defunct) Firearms Forum.

My reply? "If you're going to invoke the Constitution, please understand it." :D

(Sorry for jumping in, George. Please feel free to violate my rights at will. :D )