Get ready folks..gonna get messy methinks


New member
Looking more at recent events, like the Arabs backing out of the anti-terror coalition its starting to get obvious that we are in for much more than a messy police action in Afghanastan. Some of our allies (even Great Britain) are even getting cold feet since they have read the writting on the wall, which reads to me the perfect setup for a nasty war..WW#3. Looks like OBL did sucker us in to this one. Once we attack anyone I feel like the entire Muslim part of the world will slowly mobilize against us till we are fighting them on their turf on many fronts. What makes it even more serious is I'll bet the Saudi air force will side with the terrorist before its over. Pakistan's regime wil be overthown once an attack occurs, so any idea that we can have any troops and equipment there is just silly. While CNN and the rest of the world distact themselves with the plight of the natives soon to be starving, (to be used as a big motivator against the USA by the muslims)OBL has gathered support from all over the muslim world to get ready to strike.(that includes US soil folks) So, here we go, fixing to take on Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanastan, Syria, Lebanon,and perhaps others, with a military that is the weakest its been in years. And by the way..our stealth aircraft are now detectable over Iraq, Egypt, and SA. We will probably get a little help at first, but i predict the USA will be left out in the cold shortly once the shooting starts. One only hope I see is that the US get their finger on the BIG RED BUTTON pretty quick, and hope that Russia (who I dont trust) and China maintain their position. Somehow, i think OBL and associates have figured this into the equation as well. One has to wonder about China too..since they have been selling missiles to Iran and intalling new fiber optic comunication equipment (miltary stuff)in Iraq..(to detect the Stealth aircraft methinks)
Like I said in a previous post..this whole thing stinks..and the more I see day by day its getting worse. OBL wanted the Muslim world to rise up and fight the USA/Israel..........and it looks kike his plan is coming to fruition...This guy is as smart as he is wicked..............I hope I'm just drinking too much and paranoid.
But its all coming together like one big chessgame and we keep losing pieces.


New member
Well, a lot of people predicted the same thing in 1990/91 with the Gulf War. Nothing really happened except to fan the flames of Islamic extremists, who were already white hot.

From what I have read, the average Afgan would like to see bin Laden and his mafia out of Afganistan. The Taliban has lost its luster due to their extremism and criminal actions. One of the main props of the Taliban government is bin Laden's gangsters, many of which are not Afgans.

So, we shall. I know I am not losing any sleep over it. But, I might enlarge the bunker. :D

Gary H

New member
Better to get whatever it is over and done. If they were going to fight us in mass, then it is just a matter of time. Best do it when only one of the states has more than a couple of nuclear weapons..and barely that.