GET ON THE PHONE -AWB renew push in Senate


New member

Relax. The ban is dead. All the Dems are doing at this point is trying to make the President look bad before the election.

The Ban expires in less than a week, and there is only one day left in the legislature before the expiration.

And even if the Senate approves the ban tommarow (not going to happen, since there would be debate, and they don't have enough votes to break a filibuster), there is no chance in hell that it would get through the House that quickly, if at all. Remember, the House leadership has promised that it wouldn't see the light of day in the House, and we have the numbers in the House.

It's dead. The Dems know it.



New member
Don't remember hearing the fat lady sing - you know, the one with the spear and helmet with horns.

It's not over till it's over. Senate, et al are heavily trying to move the Homeland Defense funding bill since they are meeting an early October deadline - remember, the new fiscal year starts Oct 1. There'll be some long hours - into the night maybe across the weekend and particularly Monday.

Keep watch for the slickster slipping in a floor vote quickie with just barely a quorum.

My sig - "Situational awareness counts in politics too."
