Gerard Valentino - Form Follows Function (July 09, Sig 229 review)


New member
I'm not one to nit pick another person's writing, because frankly my writing sucks. But I am baffled by this article.

In the first two pages he mentions accuracy six times, but on the very next page he says "Since this gun is used strictly for self-defense, traditional accuracy testing from a rest wasn't attempted..."

You can't have it both ways, if you are touting the accuracy of the round, the guns, and how agencies that use it demand extreme accuracy, you would think you would have some accuracy measurement in a review of the pistol and the cartridge, even if you aren't using a rest.


New member
I am on the forum and the author of the article you quoted about the SIG P229. You make a very good point and I should have been more clear in the beginning of the article in discussing accuracy. In the articles I've had published where I review guns, I never do the gun magazine accuracy bench testing. My opinion is it just isn't a valid way to determine if a gun is tactically accurate.

I need to be more clear on that issue in the future.

Feel free to nit pick my writing whenever you want. If someone is discussing something I wrote then I did my job.