
George Hill

Staff Alumnus
How did I miss this thread?
You must be wanting something...

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Awwww, coonan! Ya went and woke him up! I finally got him to take the pacifier and lie down for his nap and finally go quietly to sleep, and look what you went and done!

"May an elephant caress you with his toes..."

And may you live in interesting times!

:(, Art


New member
Hey art , sorry didn't know he was asleep ,you grab the Big Mallet over there and I'll distact him , heck me living dangerously?? and lately all my times have been interesting ... you wanna here , first take your anti depressants you'll need them . ;)


New member
pain pills I need no stinkin pain pills , heck I drove for 12 hours with 2 shattered metarsals in my foot, so whats a mallet to the head .. no brain no pain :D