Georgia Arms?


New member
Hey guys,

I'm just wondering if any of you have bought ammo from Georgia Arms. I'm wanting to order some from them. I know they have a long wait list but that doesn't concern me as I'm pretty patient. What I'm wondering is...

-Their ammo reliable?
-Accurate(just for target shooting)?
-Any experiences with them good or bad?

Just wanting a general consensus. Thanks for your time.
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Stephen A. Camp

Staff In Memoriam
Hello. I've used quite a bit of their "canned heat" in various handgun calibers.

I have had zero problems and have more on order.



New member
Good stuff, about the only thing I shoot in handguns, 223 or 308. I can buy local, not sure if you really save much if you have to pay for shipping. The canned heat is reloaded, usually from surplus military brass and is reasonably accurate for plinking ammo. Most of their other ammo is loaded from new brass and some of the hunting loads have been very accurate for me.

I save my brass and they give me a credit on it when I purchase more ammo. Saves a little more when you do this.


New member
I've used a fair amount of Georgia Arms ammo of various calibers/types. (I'd say a rough estimate of 12-15k so far) and of all of that I had issues with one 50 round batch where there were several mangled primers. Called GA and explained the issue, they took the batch info and then express shipped 100 rounds of replacement ammo to me. They've been a solidly reliable company for me.

Accuracy depends on how well your guns like various ammo but what I've used seems fine.

At the gun shows their people are always smiling and pleasant to deal with.


New member
Really good people to deal with.
Right now make sure they have what you want before ordering.
It appears their having a problem getting brass. It should get cleared up but they're backordered on a lot of stuff.



New member
Thanks guys, after hearing all of the replies I'm going to place an order.
Just think...TFL is giving business to the gun industry across the country! I see so many threads like mine asking for advice on a certain product, and people recommend so many businesses. I guess what I'm saying is it is a nice thing knowing we have a hobby that we can do that. It only helps the economy! :cool:


New member
I have bought .44 magnum, and .30 Carbine. The 'Canned Heat' is reference to the quantity ... 1,000 rounds as I recall. The ammunition, 1 order of .44 magnum and 1 order of .30 Carbine, came in old military ammuntion cans. Whether the order comes in an ammo can, or not, depends upon the offer at time of purchase. I've received an order of 1,000 rounds of .44 magnum sans ammo can.

I've never had a problem with Georgia Arms ammuntion and will be ordering from them again.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
500 rounds "canned heat" 357sig
300 rounds Gold Dot JHP 357sig

Good Stuff, free ammo can, I still haven't seen anyone who can beat their price on 357sig.

I did a lot of research before I bought from them and then I talked to them on the phone. I have no doubts about their ammo.