Georgia - 14 year old attacks school bus driver

Tom B

New member
Heard it on the radio this morning. Student attacked driver and bit her over the eye as well as beat her. She had to have 17 sutures. She had threatened to discipline him for unruly conduct. North Atlanta area.


New member
Heard the same report, read it in AJC this am. Used fists to head and face, knees to midsection. She was pretty beat up.

This kid is a future school shooter. Hope they put him away for a loooong time.


New member
How much do you wanna bet that this kid has a history of trouble that no one did anything about. Oh yeah, and the parents say he's a wonderful kid and they don't understand what happened. Mean while his room is plastered with Marylin Manson, Eminem, and Snoop dog.

Forgive me for generalizing but this seems to be the trend.


New member
I agree with everything but your last statement.

Mean while his room is plastered with Marylin Manson, Eminem, and Snoop dog.

Thats almost as bad as saying, "Guns kill people".


New member
All of a sudden this is news?

I can introduce them to school bus drivers in NYC, my brother is one of them, who`ll tell them it happens quite a lot.:eek:

When I worked 12x8, once in awhile we`d get a school bus in front of the station house that needed help with an assaultive "student".


New member
I'm sorry but guns don't jump up and sing songs about death, killing, murder, worshiping the devil, treating woman like prostitutes, and killing cops.

You leave a gun alone and it does nothing. You put these idiots on stage and they fill childrens minds with hatred and despair.

Your analogy is way off.

Marko Kloos

New member
You put these idiots on stage and they fill childrens minds with hatred and despair.

Only if their minds are not filled with positive things at home. Well-adjusted kids raised by caring parents do not murder, rape, treat women like prostitutes, or kill cops just because a middle-class angst rocker in heavy makeup instructs them thusly from the stage.

Joe Camel didn't make me run out and buy cigarettes, either.


New member
They don't make 'em like they used to

Back in the late sixties and early seventies, before the "medicate first, ask questions later" brigade took over, a number of us were diagnosed as having a range of "learning disabilities". I can't attest to the pedigree of most of my young associates but considerable future testing performed by a variety of sources over the decades corroborated my early dianosis.

One chap I know from the good ole days also still exhibits some of the broader characteristics of learning disabilities.

In any case, the lot of us, all hyperactive as a basket of puppies, were bused to special education instructors. However, despite the potential of harm against drivers or special ed teachers, I don't recall any of us ever physically attacking them.

Oh, in those days I routinely watched scores of horror movies on tv, read comic books and had access to firearms. I never dropped or threatened to drop the hammer on anybody despite occassional provocation.

I would really want the report that initiated this thread to be elaborated on. But, having heard similar (and worse) tales of young teens assaulting, even killing, both their peers and adults and getting rewarded with slapped wrists, I have come to the conclusion that it might be a benefit to us all and a mercy to them if we cleanse the DNA of the worst offenders out of the gene pool.



New member
The father of the 14-year-old was on The Neal Boortz Show Friday morning. Neal was away, Royal and Belinda were covering.

The father basically said, I have done everything I could with this kid, short of corporal punishment. He said he couldn't do that because of DeFaCS (Department of Family and Children Services), that his son had learned early on that he could call DeFaCS and they would prevent the father from dealing with this young punk appropriately.

The father basically said the kid needed his butt whupped to get him in line, and the government folks pretty well prevented that, and that he was at his wits end over it all, didn't want the world thinking he was a "sorry-butt" (his words). He was very sorry about the whole situation, and was really frustrated with it all.

P.S.: leedesert, not having heard this interview, I would have guessed the same. Very much *not* the case in this one.


New member
I agree Jimr,
It's one thing when the parents allow kids to fall into the activities I stated earlier but even worst when the GOV prevents us from being the parents that God intended us to be.

My oldest son had brought up the fact that if If defacs found out that I spanked him they would put me in jail. We had a long discussion over this and I explained to him that it wouldn't be me who went away. That resulted in my bringing him to our church to help out with a program we do for the local Sheriffs Boy's Ranch. After he mingled with these kids and heard some of their stories he knew that that life wasn't for him.

In my earlier statements I said how certain music and lifestyle choices lead kids to do bad things. I would like to add to that by saying it's not just the music or activity but the parents complacency toward those things that makes it bad. Kids get into those things as a form of rebellion. When parents ignore it and say cute little phrases like "it's his/her room and what's in there is private" or "I grew up with that stuff and it didn't hurt me" it reenforces the acitivity. Kids want to know what the bounderies are. If you don't give any they will continue to get worst until somebody does. Usually that will end up being the law.

I was watching an episode of cops the other night and the police responded to a domestic call about some kid huffing (sniffing paint). The cops were in the room with the parents and the teenager. The kids face and hands were covered with paint and the parents had given up. The dad said they have done everything they could to help him. As the father said this the camera panned the kids room and it was quite remarkable. There were posters everywhere with skulls, images of the grim reaper, satanic rock bands, and images of death and destruction.

The father did everything except rip that crap off the wall and say "NOT IN MY HOUSE". This kid was crying out for someone to pay attention and stop him. To the point of frying his brain with paint fumes.

Will watching Marylin Mansin make you want to kill someone? By itself no. However, when parents continue to ignore the music and media that their kids listen to they in turn enforce the messages that they give.

The Columbine killers had natzi images and destructive displays on the room walls at home. The kid even had a website displaying his hatred and intentions. Of course the parents, out of respect for their privacy, never entered or messed with their rooms. Way to go Mom and Dad.


New member
Oddly enough, the father of one Columbine killer was supposed to be an anti-gun Liberal prior to the massacre.