George w's Speech


New member
Hi All

So What did you think. only one sentance on guns, but he knows that gun-owners won't vote for Gore anyway.

I think he did well, not great but well.

Go George W.

Actually anything but Gore


New member
An excellent speech. I was very impressed, but he didn't change my vote. He already had it.


bullet placement is gun control

[This message has been edited by muleshoe (edited August 04, 2000).]


New member
I think he did very well. The speach was aimed at the people he needs to win over this November, independents and Democrats that want to defect. The Republicans seem to be firmly behind him now.
I think it was a very good start to the campaign.
Gore will soon have his own chance at a very highly controled convention. It will be interesting to see if he and his people can handle the situation as well.


New member
"If Gore had been at the moonlaunch, he would have called it a risky scheme."

"If Gore had been at the invention of the light bulb, he would have called it an anti-candle risky scheme."

"If he had been there when the internet was invented..."

Massive LMAO!!!

Kick some butt W !!!!!!!!

[This message has been edited by Sub MOA (edited August 04, 2000).]


New member
I REALLY liked that speech. Thought it showed the difference between the current lying #$%*&#^$&*@%#&$#&$*%^@*#^$*!@$%@ and him.
Yeah, I loved that line. jab, jab, jab KAPOW!!!

From the Committee to Use Proffesional Politicians as Lab Animals
She doesn't have bad dreams because she's made of plastic...
bad Kiki! No karaoke in the house!
Larry Flynt is right. You guys stink!!!


New member
Being from Texas (and a republican) - I was already on board with the George W.

I think he answered most of algore's planned rhetoric and criticisms before they came -
from the "risky rocket scheme" mentioned above to the warning "to those who would
malign our state for political gains: Don't Mess with Texas" to algore bringing us "only
fear itself". By the way "don't mess with Texas" is/has been our anti-litter campaign for many years now.

Bush signed the CHL (conceal handgun license) bill into law just after taking office - we
know have over 250,000 law abiding Texans keeping the state a safer place for me, my
wife, and child. I am proud to be a CHL holder, NRA member and American. I try to talk Bush (and the 2nd amendment) to anyone who will listen and encourage those around me
to do the same.


Will Beararms

New member
I for one, am tired of politicians who always have the right thing to say at the right time.

I liked what I saw from W. It beats the heck out of the staged performances we have been victim to for the past 8 years.

I loved the part about W. being W. all the time not changing to every whim like Clinton Gore.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."

Will Beararms

New member
By the way, look to see W.'s Nephiew in politics. What a great speaker for being just 24 years old!

Does anyone now doubt the Bush family sincerity on racial equality?

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
I think the most effective argument was the why give them a 3 try, sure the economy is good, but they could have done and promised so much more. That's the one thing that pulled my wife the most. She's undecided right now, but def ANTI-GORE

At least he has a good prescence, and can tell a story and a joke, and be serious. He certainly looked presidential to me.

Clinton always has that look of having stolen the candy from the store and thinking he got away with it.


VOTE and get your friends to VOTE

Ed Brunner

New member
I was impressed with the fact that I have not heard ANY slander against the present administration, but plenty of lead by example
The Dems must be having a ****hissy judging from what the media is saying this morning.


You have to be there when it's all over. Otherwise you can't say "I told you so."

Better days to be,


Jack Straw

New member
I thought the speech was pretty good (I loved the way he delivered the "moonlaunch, light bulb, internet" joke on Gore), but on his website he calls for more gun control so I'm still not sure about him. I'll be keeping my eyes and ears open to see if he can convince me that he truly believes in RKBA. If its close in my state I'll definitely vote against Gore, but right now I don't think I can vote FOR him.


[This message has been edited by Jack Straw (edited August 04, 2000).]


New member
Nothing is perfect... but that speech came close. I agree w/ Herodotus, it was primarily aimed at the indies and the Reagan Democrats, just the groups he needs in order to win. Where he had uncontroversial (to them) proposals, he hammered 'em home, things like tax cuts, SS reform, school vouchers. Where he had to tread lightly, he did so, on abortion and gun control. I think he is to be given credit for addressing those issues at all. He didn't have to, since he has Cheney as his VP, and Buchanan is self-destructing. While he's no Keyes, we Constitutionalists are going to have to accept that we have to win the battle from the bottom up, not from the top down. I am much more in GW's camp than I was a few months ago. We need intrepid leadership, not poll-driven pandering. Even if he is imperfect, he seems to have the right stuff to LEAD.


New member
I thought it was beautiful.

I was intently watching because I wanted to hear what he had to say. I've been somewhat torn between following my beliefs (closely Libertarian) and my family upbringing (strictly Republican).

However, after hearing what he had to say, I believe that we share the same sense of Patriotism. For that reason, I think it is safe to assume that Bush will be receiving my vote.

God, Guns and Guts made this country a great country!


New member
KaMaKaZe, I agree with you. It was beautiful. It was a vision for America that was optimistic and daring. I thought it was one of the BEST speeches I have ever heard. "Welfare can feed the body, but neglects the soul..." Powerful. It was a positive speech. I couldn't be happier. It won't be long now... :)


New member
Solid, Solid, speech. He hit on specifics, he hit Gore - and hit him good. He looked very Presidential that was goal #1, and he hit the audience he was aiming for - women, suburban families, and independents. He may not win the black vote or the latino vote, and after the Demo convention, he may not win the women vote, but he WILL not loose them by huge margins like the last few elections- without that, Gore is in for a hard, hard and hopefully loosing road.
Bush will win the married vote.

Wonder what Clinton is thinking about the marriage penalty tax cut right now???????????????????????????????????????

He'll either veto it or wimp out and let it become law without his signature. After all his bluster, if the press pick up on it, he will look more patisan than ever before. (course we are talking about the press here :-{)

All in all, the speech capped off a flawless Convention.


I await the mean-sprited Democrats !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
I am a Political Science major so I watched the speech in a diffrent light. I never liked the way his father spoke, and I don't like the way he speaks. He steps on his appluase lines, his timing is off, and he repeats himself frequently, while mispronouncing words. Kind of like a real human. This is what is going to be a diffrence maker. Plus someone should tell algore that the arrogance, and condesension just drip off him. I tell you what, I have a visceral dislike for Clinton, but I f#@$%&*#g hate algore. And I think I am not alone, not by a long shot.

By the By, I have a number of people in my profession that know or work for both of these individuals.

Bush: apparently a very decent guy who treats everyone well.

algore: a distant family member doesn't keep the gore in his name becuase he does not wish to be associated with that prick. His words, and he is a democrat. It's not that he disagrees with his politics, its just at the family get togethers he has gotten to know the man, and this is how he got to dislike him. If any of you read Tom Clancy algore could be described in his book Executive Orders pg. 244:

"He's a pimp, a hustler, a con man. He has no convictions at all. He's never even practised law, but he's helped write thousands of them. He's not a doctor, but he's established healthcare policy. He's been a professional politician his whole life, always on the public payroll. He's never generated a product or a service in the private sector of the economy, but he's spent his whole life deciding how high the taxes should be, and how the money is spent. The only black people he ever met as a kid were the maids who picked up his bedroom, but he's a champion of minority rights. He's a hypocrite. He's a charlatan."

The charactor described is a vice president and he reminds me of algore.


New member

I too am an old Pol Sci guy. Worked for some Demo's in Alabama while employeed in a campaign firm.

Bush's speech was solid. It accomplished goal #1. Look like you can be presidential. #2,Look good to the American people. He did that. Along with a flawless Convention, it made for a very successful evening for him.

Your right about his speech going up and down, but he did what he had to do, and over all did it well.

As a Pol Sci hack, Cheney's delivery was much better; however, people didn't take to it. Bush's little film before hand was good. His story about how can a 'white man is a suit understand' had the crowd quiet and attentive. More so than I've seen in a long time. His subject matter leading up to 'that is what a compassionate consrvative is' was nicely done.

I hate Clinton and Gore - with passion. Mostly for Contitutional reasons - the 2nd Amendment is only one of them.

But before popping the champagne, Gore gets his chance. If Bush is ahead by 6-8 after Labor day, Gore will be playing on whatever field Bush lays out.

Good article on upcoming Gore options:
