George Washington in the 20th century

Mal H

Normally I wouldn't tell you all about a TV comedy show that was produced over 30 years ago. But, I was working late tonight and Nick at Night was on with the old Bewitched show (2:30 AM EDST). I don't think I have seen that show since the 70's. Anyway, one of Samantha's friends accidently zapped Geo. Washington to their home in the 20th century.

Normally that would be worth a few yuks and the story would end. But I was extremely pleased with the way they handled Washington's character. He was treated with reverence by the regular characters. Then George left the house on his own to take a walk. Of course they panicked and went looking for him.

George was talking with a large crowd about the Bill of Rights and other Constitutional things. A policeman came up and told him he had to move on. George said he had a right to talk with the people. The policeman said, "not without a permit, you don't." George said, "Sir, the only permit I need is the Constitution of the United States." (To be honest, it gave me chills - and it's only a silly TV show!)

Anyway the policeman ended up arresting him. George asks Samantha, "What has happended to the rights of the people here in the 20th century?" She responds that most people now tend to want things told to them and only a few will speak out for their rights.

At the end of the show, it turns out it's a two parter. George is going to trial in part 2 tomorrow night. You can bet I'll be watching to see what George has to say to the judge. I hope he, and the screen writers, don't blow it. I'm sure the producers had what was going on with the Viet Nam War in mind, but the message is as true today as it was 30 years ago, only more so. It seems that not everything that came out of Hollywood was pure bunk. (Note the past tense.)

[This message has been edited by Mal H (edited August 18, 2000).]


Was this Washington or Ben Franklin? I sort of remember something similar being done with Ben Franklin and that was also a two-parter.


New member
If Washinton came back today he would put on cement shoes and grab a big rock and bail right over the side into the Deleware.

Did that just come out of my mouth?? err keyboard? This country continues to depress me more and more on a daily basis. If it wasn't for my rifle I would have very little sanity in my life.

"Some people spend an entire liftime wondering if they made a difference. Marines don't have that problem."
Semper Fi
Sorry, I disagree. After hurling whatever lunch he had left in his stomach I think Washington would be rallying the citizens of this nation and reminding them of the hard cost of Liberty.

Mal H

FUD - it was Washington, he even brought Martha back with him when he was zapped back to the 20th again.

I agree with KAM, the real GW wouldn't cower away from the problem. I think he's already proved that. The fake GW in the TV show is doing the same. He wanted a jury trial but it's only going to be in camera before a judge.


New member
Remember, too, that the Iroquois called Washington "Town Killer" because of the way he sent troops to wipe out Indian villages, and he invented the idea of JackBooted Thugs when he sent troops to put down the Whisky "Rebellion".
Come to think of it, he also invented the current statist tactic of denigrating anyone who protested policy by saying they were in "rebellion" when what they were doing was protesting a new and illegal tax.

Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club
true story, a Union Gen. once said "Don't worry about those Rebs. They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist..SPLAT.