George Orwell on RTKBA


New member
IMO,this dovetails with Jeffersons comment that the RTKBA was to prevent tyrranny in government.

Perhaps you say "An armed inserrection against the government is preposterous".

You may be right.But I believe that misses the point.

The RTKBA is to Liberty what the miner's canary in the cage indicator

Lose the RTKBA,one "compromise" at a time,and the canary is dead.


"Even as it stands, the Home Guard could only exist in a country where men feel themselves free. The totalitarian states can do great things, but there is one thing they cannot do: they cannot give the factory-worker a rifle and tell him to take it home and keep it in his bedroom. THAT RIFLE HANGING ON THE WALL OF THE WORKING-CLASS FLAT OR LABOURER'S COTTAGE, IS THE SYMBOL OF DEMOCRACY. IT IS OUR JOB TO SEE THAT IT STAYS THERE."
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New member
Perhaps you say "An armed inserrection against the government is preposterous".

You may be right.But I believe that misses the point.

It is not preposterous. It is what is happening in Syria as we type. Will the winner in the end be what's in the American best interest? I don't know, don't really care. Syrians don't care about American interests, nor should they. If they think they're being hosed by their government bad enough to fight and die to overthrow it, then there's something to it. For all we know, Syria could topple the government this coming year, write a founding document of new government to rival the US Constitution, and be a super power in 150 years. You never know.

NOTE: I am not advocating an armed insurrection in America. While I'm not exactly proud of what this country is turning into, I really don't foresee another revolution or civil war in America. Things would have to get worse than I can even imagine possible before I would endorse bloodshed to make a change. Of course, most Americans would still be too busy texting on their government issued iPhones even if that time came, so it would be an uphill battle.


New member
5 Whiskey,I appreciate your point.It is valid.

I am trying to point out something else.There is a progression to becoming disarmed."Well,if we just give up high cap magazines.....Well,if we just give up evil black rifles,well."..BARNCARPET!!.

The casualties among soldiers during the wars of the 20th century were nothing compared to what oppressive governments did to their own unarmed people in the 20th century.

Millions of people.

Using food as a weapon,in Eastern Europe,mothers ate their own children.

Stalin made his omelet.How much blood turned China red?

The more your government wants to take your gun,no matter what reason they give,the more you need to fight to hang on to it.


New member
An armed insurrection in this country is NOT preposterous !
One took place - in my lifetime.
Do a search on "The Battle of Athens, Tennessee". Educate yourself.