Gentlemen at a Gun Show


New member
I didn't present this topic, or myself very well, so I scrubbed it.

Never mind.

I am a gossip-mongering idiot.
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New member
While it is easy to be quick to stereotype inner-city types, and I am certainly one of the worst in that regard, you have to admit that a young person living in the middle of a big city probably has a lot more need for self-defense weapons than a 30something WASP male living out in the boonies, like myself.

Now the less politically correct reply: If they were there to get ammo to cap other gang bangers, give them all the ammo they can carry!

Now the retraction: Opinions expressed by this ******* that calls himself MuzzleBlast do not reflect the opinions of other posters on TFL or any other sane person. Please take any and all his posts with a fifty pound bag of salt, and give his opinions all the attention they deserve, which is none.


New member
Remember - no one is the enemy until they make you their enemy. We can use all the pro-gunners we can get.

I noticed, while working the booth at a gun show for our local gun lobby, that some people, both fellow members and bystanders, seemed to be put off when I'd hollar at the top of my lungs for a group of 'gang-banger'-looking guys and gals to come to the table.

The bystanders' prejudice eyes were opened when they found out these people were just as interested in guns as the rest of us. Some had more knowledge, some less, but they were all interested in preserving our gun rights. I conned most of them into buying a pile of raffle tickets that day.

The only thing that makes most of them 'bangers' is a clothing style.

Glad to hear the vendor was helping them out. Could've been worse - he could've ignored them and let them buy the wrong thing. Goodonhim.


New member
Supposedly can't judge a book by the cover.
Unfortunately, many good books go unread because of a bad cover.

People too.
But unlike a book, a person can change their appearance. For better or worse.



New member
Sam, are you suggesting that people who don't want to be judged as 'bangers should not dress the part?

What a radical idea!


New member
You should have screamed "Terrorists!" and then thrown yourself into a flying body slam, WWF style. Smack down, baby. That would teach them to try and buy "bullits".

I'm just teasing, of course.

At varying times, I range between redneck and yuppie in appearance. And I've bought ammo in each of my guises.

That said, I have seen guys I thought to be "bangers" at a local range. What made them suspect, in my book, wasn't how they dressed or talked. It was the fact that they put up a silhouette target at close range and then insisted on emptying their mags rapid fire, much to the chagrin of the RO. He finally asked them to leave.

But then again, who knows? Maybe they were undercover CIA and needed to get in a little practice. :rolleyes:


New member
What I was trying to present in this post was: the poor little lambs, no matter WHAT their political or social persuasions,


They were looking at bullets at a reloading table, trying to figure out how to pound them into a pistol.