General concensus on the Rossi mod 462? ...


New member
Hey everyone,

So I was scanning through this site's archives and reading about this gun, but a lot of the reviews were a little dated (2002) and promised range reports that I couldn't find, etc.

I was wondering if anyone around TFL has one, and how they like it. Also wondering if it is true that they wear out soon...

I have a strange affinity for the little buggers...handled one at a gunshow last october, a chunky little piece but seemed really solid and durable! Nice and smooth action. BEAUTIFUL finish, actually. No machine marks or anything...they wanted way too much though, 298 plus tax. The grips were a little awkward, a charter arms I handled fit much better (as did the price of 168!).

But, now I've come across one locally for 270. Seems about the same size/width as a lot of .38 snubs I've looked at, but with 6 instead of 5 rounds, and with 110 grain mag loads I think it'd make a great little piece...

However, I know Rossi's have NO resale value...

And, I am concerned about durability. I've heard horror stories about Taurus' turnaround time and the results of sending a gun back in, plus, I don't really like having to send guns back in. 'Specially to Brazil. :D

So I'm wary...and idunno, wanna see what ya'll think. This place has been a great resource for one who has come seeking knowledge! *ceremonial bow* lol.

(Plus, for 300...not much more, I could get an old Colt Trooper M3 4''.)



Sir William

New member
Get the Colt. FWIW, I have owned Rossis. Everyone has been troubled by soft metal and weak or oversprung springs. I cannot say anything good for Rossi.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
I Can Say Some Good About Rossi Revolvers

Greeting's All-

Now that I sell them (and other's) for a living, I've had a chance to
inspect them a bit further; and they seem to be well built, inexpensive
firearms. The polished stainless, snub nose .38 Special is very popular
and NONE that I've sold has come back for warranty work. The fit N'
finish seems to be on par with the Taurus counterparts (now that the
latter owns Rossi). My wife has a discontinued, square-butt model 88
stainless .38 Special that she bought (with her own savings) in OCT
of '94, and its been a darn good little firearm. It shoots to POA, and
compares well to a Smith model 60 (.38 Special). I think she paid
$208.88 OTD, and it has served her well.

Best Wishes,


New member
I posted an abbreviated range report a couple of weeks ago on the one I purchased.
I have been able to put a couple of hundred rounds through it so far. At the ranges intended for a 2 in. revover it does great.(15 to 25 feet) Actually, I think the gun is capable of better I'm just not very good with a 2 in. sight plain farther than that.
Winchester white box .38 shoot the best accuracy.
Unfortunately, I have not fired any magnums yet.
One issue I had was the ejector rod unscrewed a couple of times. I think I have it tightened now. But as far as accuracy, fit, finish, and trigger. It is as smooth as my model 10 I used to have.


New member

I have a rossi 357mag in 2'. I love the gun. IT shoots as well as any other revolver I have shot. I have had the gun for a year and a half, shot 600-700 rounds. No mechanical problems. I highly recomend it!