gasoline powered bb gun


New member
Is this possible/practical?
Please excuse my drawing.
Its not perfect (Im a perfectionist) but I am short on time.

The pump would open the valve, pump the gas/air into the tank, close the valve, ignite the gas/air by powering the spark plug, load a bb into the chamber/barrel, and pull the hammer back.


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New member
Possible... most likely. Practical.. probably not... Ambulance ride and emergancy room vist.. maybe. It's a cool idea, I'd probably buy one. Take good notes so if u die trying people will know what not to do.

Chris Phelps

New member
If you were going with electronic ignition, why would you use a hammer? If you use an electronic trigger and a spring-loaded magazine, your options would be endless for trigger pull. You could set it at anything you wanted.

Gasoline is a bit on the finicky side... Maybe there is another form of gas you could use... one that was not in liquid form (unless compressed)?

In order to get a combustable pressure for air (usually 9:1 - 15:1), you would have to find a way to pump it in there... effectivly making it a compressed air rifle (thus negating the need for gas), unless you used Co2. But there again... that would eliminate the need for gas.

realistically, any way you want to look at it, this idea would need compressed air. Once you have compressed air, you could eliminate the gas from the equation and still achieve the desired effect... a bb gun that projects bbs.

The only way I see around this problem is to use a fuel source such as hair spray, which will ignite violently without requiring compressed air.


New member
Not Gasoline but butane. The kind used to fill up lighters.
Not a spart plug but a piazo ignitor, like used to inginte new hot water heaters.
Can it be done? Yes it can, It is a potato gun only scaled down :)


New member
You'd probably want some indicator that the release valve actually opened before the spark plug ignited, or you could have some really fantabulous kabooms....

I think I also agree with the propane/butane idea as opposed to gasoline... its usually pretty hard to get the fuel/air mix right with that kinda stuff.

PS: Thanks... now I'm gonna have to sneak into the CAD rooms on campus tonight and play around with this idea. :)


New member
Will there be an optional NOS kit?

Since there really is enough interest in this *ahmm* idea, you might want to start with a paintball gun as the host. might want to consider life insurance. Oh, don't bother with a patent....compressed air does everything well with no expense or possible harm from leaky "O" rings.


I'd play with a butane powered auto bb gun (you can have full auto bb guns, right?), especially if it was adjustable for longer range at the cost of more butane...It seems feasable. If someone can make a potato gun, someone can make this. (maybe)


But they make that one seem like it's still pnuematic, just running on something else besides co2...i want something that shoots flames!


New member
If you were going with electronic ignition, why would you use a hammer?
According to the pic, the pump would ignite the gas/air.
The tank would be compressed before the user pulled the trigger that drops the hammer.
But it might be better if the gas/air was ignited as the trigger is pulled.
So yes, an electric trigger might be better.
And butane or propane would probably work better too, thanks.
i want something that shoots flames!
Me too!
Thats the general idea.
The plan is to design a combustion powered bb gun.
It might be classified as a firearm, but it would cost a lot less money.
I am starting to think that combustion powered pellet guns are the future of weapons.
And with bbs or pellets, you could get an extremely high hopper/magazine capacity.
This would allow an extremely high ROF without the need to reload as often.
PS: Thanks... now I'm gonna have to sneak into the CAD rooms on campus tonight and play around with this idea.
Please do. I wont. (CAD)


It's a wonder that darpa hasn't already poked around this idead..image a bbgun that shoot 10,000 bbs, 1,000 yards, at a couple thousand fps...might be worth looking into...and maybe with bigger buckshot or something.

Jim Watson

New member
As somebody mentioned, that is the operating principle of the usual potato gun; the propellant in cheap hairspray is combustible - some use propane - mixed with air in the chamber, and ignited with sparkplug or piezeo igniter.

There was a pellet gun, the Barracuda, that operated like a normal European barrel cocking spring piston air rifle, but had a chamber attached for fuel. Break a little ampoule of ether into the chamber and some vapor was fed into the gun where it was ignited by compression, diesel style, as the spring piston stroked as usual. It would shoot as a normal pellet gun if no ether was added.

The Army did some work with liquid propellant artillery but with liquid oxidizer, not air.

Bear in mind that if you discharge a projectile, even a BB, by combustion of a propellant, the BATF will likely consider it a firearm. That is ok, it is legal to build your own gun, if not for resale. But if it is full auto, you have manufactured a machine gun. That is NOT ok.


New member
Bear in mind that if you discharge a projectile, even a BB, by combustion of a propellant, the BATF will likely consider it a firearm. That is ok, it is legal to build your own gun, if not for resale. But if it is full auto, you have manufactured a machine gun. That is NOT ok.
O crap!
I forgot.
Your right.
But my original design was a pump action.


New member
That is ok, it is legal to build your own gun, if not for resale.

I thought you were only allowed to build your own smoothbore... I thought addition of rifling was "against the rules" or something like that... :confused:


New member
I thought you were only allowed to build your own smoothbore... I thought addition of rifling was "against the rules" or something like that...
I think that it is illegal to make an unrifled gun.


New member
Actually I thought so too, but some guys over in the shotgun section seemed to disagree... but there's gotta be some allowances, or there's a specific loophole made for potato guns. Hmm...