Gary Condit & The Media Circus: What Crime has Been Committed?

Slim Customer

New member
Anybody have any thoughts and opinions on this article?

Nobody has even found a body......Has a Crime even been Committed?

Food for Thought.....

Farah falls for Marxist Media Circus!

By William Cooper

Veritas News Service – Exclusive, July 11, 2001 – Joseph Farah displayed extreme gullibility in furthering the Marxist attack upon the Constitution in his front ranked column entitled Condit Unbecoming posted on WorldNetDaily July 11, 2001. Farah may have fallen into the emotional whirlwind created over the last 6 weeks by the socialist press, or he has not the slightest idea of the way our system of justice is supposed to work. In either case Farah, who pretends conservatism, is helping to create a consensus of public opinion that will further the socialist agenda of conviction in the press, show trial, conviction with the backing of the masses, and the imprisonment or execution that is sure to follow. It is the agenda of global socialism to install the old Soviet system worldwide in the New World Odor.

If you have a problem with this scenario please go to the Washington DC Police Department and ask for a list of reported missing persons, along with an accounting of what is being done about each.

You will get the standard answer that you will get at every police department all across the nation, nothing.


Because there is no crime in having been reported missing.

Millions of People have been and always will be reported missing over the years in this country.

Most of them are eventually found alive just having wanted to get away and engage in a new start.

A small percentage are found to have committed suicide, become the victim of some crime, been involved in some crime, suffered illness or amnesia, or, have been the victim of murder.

The last category, according to FBI statistics, is the smallest percentage of the lot.

Don’t get me wrong. I have absolutely no admiration or any other feelings for Gary Condit, Democrat, California. In my book he is just another scumbag socialist democrat politician that is engaged in systematically destroying our country; but I do have an absolute dedication to defending our Constitution, and the justice system it embodies, not necessarily the system that exists.

Gary Condit, a democrat, is being persecuted because he supported the Impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton.

The persecution has been engineered by the same socialist machine that refused to condemn Clinton for all the moral and criminal abuses of the office of President, some of which is exactly the same as that leveled at Condit.

In the process the socialists are mounting a frontal attack upon our traditional system of justice, individual Rights, and the Constitution that embodies and protects both.

And because of that I have no choice but to fly to the aid of Gary Condit until a crime is legitimately discovered to have been committed.

So, where is the crime?

Why is Levy, only one of the millions of missing persons, getting so much attention when 99% of all others are being ignored?

Why, when no crime has been discovered, is Condit being persecuted by the press 24 hours of every day 7 days a week?

How is it that a population, made up of many that are probably guilty of the same or similar sexual indiscretion, is screaming for Condit’s head when no crime has been discovered?

How can anyone demand a warrantless search of Condit’s apartment when he has not been accused of any crime, and why would he allow it?

Why would anyone want another to take a lie detector test, a procedure that is not allowed as evidence in any court because it has been proven to have been on so many occasions so utterly wrong in it’s conclusions, and why would anyone consent to take it?

And finally, with no crime having been discovered, and with no DNA evidence connected to any crime, why would anyone ask Gary Condit to provide a DNA sample, and why would he even consider ever providing such a thing?

Until recently the DC police were operating according to legitimate practices. But now the police are bowing to the same emotional pressures that are being brought by the Marxist press against the American Sheople, and both are being led by the rings in their collective noses.

This case is a very loud echo of the justice that was meted out in the old Soviet Union and that exists in every other Marxist or communist country on this Earth. First, accusation and conviction in the government press, a show trial, and then imprisonment or execution usually without any convincing evidence whatsoever. The whole process made possible by democracy, the demands of the cattle, the herd, the Sheople, the ignorant, easily manipulated emotional masses spurred on by voices patterned after the Soviet Pravda.

If a legitimate crime is ever discovered to have been committed against Ms. Levy and Gary Condit is a legitimate suspect, I will support the efforts of the police, not the press, to find and charge a suspect, and an American Jury to determine guilt. Until then I demand that all of you shut your ignorant stupid collective emotional puppet mouths.

I would expect a man who claims to have a brain, who professes to be a conservative, who also professes to support and defend the justice system, individual Rights, and our Constitution, to be able to see through this charade and expose it. Instead I see that Joseph Farah is traveling right along with the deception. I have watched Farah engage in this kind of two-faced, forked-tongued tactic for the last two years. Has Joseph Farah been duped or is he a part of the deception? Is this all part of the Hegelian dialectic that is so effectively being worked against the American People? Do we as a nation really want to follow in the murderous footsteps of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Hitler (yes, Hitler was a socialist), and Castro?


New member
Correction: Gary Condit made vague sputtering remarks about Slick Willy's conduct. When it came time to look at the evidence the House Managers had--including Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broderick--he marched in lockstep with the DNC leadership and looked the other way.

There is simply no way that the NOW group, or the NAACP, or the DNC or any other Clinton apologist group can ever reconcile their positions then with their long-stated positions. They are whores of the very worst sort. Patricia Ireland wasted any credibility she ever had by defending the very sort of courtroom defense tactics her organization had fought against for thirty years: the plaintiff is a slut. Notice that _Ms. Ireland_ is no longer president of that group of hypocrites.

The NAACP should have distanced themselves from the sort of behavior of WJC, but instead they reinforced a racial stereotype by embracing him as the first "Black" President: all blacks fool around, sleep around, have no respect for the bonds of marriage, lie cheat and steal and just want to get away with it. Way to go, Kweisi Mfume! Why don't you just have a watermelon as the icon for the NAACP's logo?

The DNC made the whole Clinton/Lewinsky mess into a soap opera while the Chinese connection was buried on the back pages. Thank you, Mssr's Daschle and Gephardt for making Los Angeles a target for Chinese nukes for the first time in the history of the world. May you both rot in Hell.

As for Condit? He's trying to play out his hand until next year when he can draw a full congressional pension. All of the good Californians should go into overdrive to have him resign before he can draw that comfy pension. Make him sling burgers.

Scott Conklin

New member
ConDIDit has already lied, possibly suborned purjury, and obstructed an investigation. In short, he's done more than enough in plain view to demand his resignation. If he were a Republican he would have already resigned, having disgraced the office and his constituents and among howls for his head from the DemoncRATs.

For that last reason I really don't care whether he did anything wrong or not. He's a Dem, as long as he leaves office I don't really care how anymore. Stepping on the BoR to hang him can't be any worse than the regular stepping upon it perpetrated by the entire Left Wing Party...we won't even get into the Repubs on this subject.

Jeff, CA

The crime has been in the way the media has been handling him with kid gloves. If he were a Republican, every reference to him would begin "Republican Congressman..."