Gary Busey & Billy Zane involved in terrorist propaganda?


New member
Sounds like a movie made for the Middle East consupmtion and making the $$$$. I think it was stupid for Zane and Busey to do, they are grown folks though and have a right to be stupid.

Ben Swenson

New member
This was my favorite part:
"There isn't going to be a war over this," said Nefise Karatay, a Turkish model lounging on a sofa after the premiere. "Everyone knows that Americans have a good side. That's not what this is about."
I like the fact that Turkish models can be randomly found lounging on sofas to give their opinion on movies.
Terrorist propoganda?

Give me a friggin' break. They are actors. If you are going to call that terrorist propoganda, then you need to classify all of the Eastern-looking actors that play bad guy roles in US films as propoganda.

Of course in True Lies, you have Tia Carrere involved in "terrorist propoganda."

Mark Harmon played in the role of Ted Bundy so I guess that would mean he was involved in the men are evil, sadistic rapist killers propoganda, right?

Not everybody gets the good guy roles and not all roles are flattering to all people, places, countries, religiouns, etc.

Following the logic of movies and propoganda, then I am going to have to think twice about any movie with actors portrayed as Union soldiers during the War of Northern Aggression. Apparently they are continuing to fight that war in the media so as to reaffirm that in fact the South did not end the war on the terms it wanted.


Strange, you call it terrorist propoganda. The way I see it, Zane and Busey have managed drain $$ from some of the coffers that might otherwise have been used to fund actual terroristic activity.