"Garden and Gun"


New member
This is a rather obscure magazine that some of you may want to check out.

You can find out more at gardenandgun.com.

It is an every other month publication. The June/July issue had a great article about the legendary shotgun named "Bo Whoop" which was a 12-gauge side-by-side Super Fox owned and lost by Nash Buckingham over sixty years ago.

The August/September issue has a story about singer/songwriter James McMurtry and has pictures of him and his Browning A5. There is also an article about the comeback of the "Double-Gun" shotgun.

There are many other good hunting and sporting articles within the covers. My spouse started buying it and later subcribed for the gardening articles. This is how I discovered the great outdoor articles especially the ones about guns.

I am not affiliated in anyway with the publication.
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New member
I've seen that in my doctors office before.

It's a lot better than "Ladies Home Journal." :D
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New member
MUCH better than LHJ. The articles are excellent, and often cover areas of
the country which many gun owners can relate to. Many of the shooting
articles involve higher end, side-by-side shotguns that some of us could only
dream about, but its nice to see how the other half in our avocation live.


New member
I signed up for a subscription soon after I found out about it.
It's been good to have around. More interested in the articles on guns, food and booze than in the gardening pieces.

The comments on a website I read, when the magazine was first announced, were funny. Their reaction to the title was so hysterical.
Few of them had actually read the magazine yet. Some vowed never to do so.


New member
I picked up a copy a couple of years ago when it first came out, I was in Florida for a couple of days and happened upon it, I've had a subscription ever since. It's a great magazine - guns, dogs, food, drink, people, places - an interesting blend of all the stuff I like set in the upscale South. I was born in Louisiana and moved to Maine from NC, for me it's like getting a little bit of down home every time it shows up in the mailbox.

I just recently showed it to my Dad, who's from Louisville, and he loved it too, it's right up his alley. I need to order him a subscription.


which many gun owners can relate to. Many of the shooting
articles involve higher end, side-by-side shotguns that some of us could only
dream about, but its nice to see how the other half in our avocation live.

I took the mag for one year and let it lapse. If you want nice shotgun eye candy, try Shooting Sportsman - good writers, excellent photos and articles - it's an every other month publication also:



New member
Yes, this is a great magazine. Lots of good articles on guns, hunting, dogs, sports, gardening, food, and assorted Southern Culture (no it is not an oxymoron).