Garand with a heavy bullet question

Joe Portale

New member
Hope that someone can clear up something for me. What is the heaviest bullet that can be safely used in a M1 Garand? I have seen/read that nothing over 175 should be used, then I see 1000 yard shooter using 200+ grain bullets. The heavier bullet is a definite advantage out to 1000 yards, but what good will these bullet be if they tear the op rod out of the rifle?


Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
It's not the bullet weight, but the type and charge of powder. The rifle is designed to operate with a pressure of around 2,000 psi remaining at the gas port.

As I understand it, powders which burn more slowly than 4895 CAN have higher pressures there, depending on the charge--particularly if near maximum breech/chamber pressure.

So, if you're at the 47,000 psi chamber pressure with 4895, it shouldn't adversely affect the operating rod. With a 200-grain bullet, this will be less powder than for a 150-grain bullet.
