Garand vs. M14


New member
Does anyone prefer to shoot the Garand over the M14? And if so, what are your reasons? I currently own a M1A, and I`m looking at a couple nice Garands, and was wondering if the Garand had any advantages over the M1A. Thanks for your thoughts-


I would go with a semi-auto M-14 every time. More firepower than the old M1 rifle and it is chambered in a modern military cartridge (7.62 NATO).

The civilian may just as well go with M1 rifle though. The hi-cap mags are becoming harder and harder to find due to the Brady laws. Since a 10rd detacheable box magazine has no real advantage over the 8 round clips of the M1, a civilian may just as well go the with old M1 rifle.


New member
Oh, come on - just buy it :D

The best thing about Garands is that they're half the price of an M1A and just as fun. You can even get them in .308 so you can use the same ammo.



New member
You can get closer to the ground with a Garand

Clips load faster

You can carry more ammo

30-06 is way better than that wimpy .308 round

It is the gun America used when it used to win wars.


New member

Stevesatch beat me to it... ergonomics.

I have both an M1-A and several Garands. Both are great weapons, but I LOVE the Garand.

Even though the M1-A is more accurate from a bench or "slung up" prone, the Garand is (for me) more accurate while standing. The M1 hangs better in the offhand position. It also does not have that annoying magazine getting in the way of a good offhand stock hold.

Right now I'm having an M1 built up, fully match conditioned, in .308, refinished, and with new stock, barrel, sights, and gas cylinder.

Can't wait till it's done. Then I'll have the best of all my preferred worlds... Accuracy better than my M1-A, no magazine to interfere with my positions, good offhand "hang", cheap .308 practice ammo I don't have to re-load, and best of all, a "brand new" looking rifle. Will post photos here when it's home, you bet.... :)



New member
I too prefer the M1 rifle. I had a NM M1A that was a truly great shooter, but I sold it after it sitting unused for awhile. When I reached into the safe to go shoot, the M1 always came out, and the M1A sat in the back collecting dust.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I'd prefer a Garand IF I could get a .308 barrel for it. Does anyone make barrels for chopped Garands or would I just have to re-make it into a full-length gun once my stocks of 30-06 run down?

Daryl Waldron

New member
Garand vs. M1A

I too have both. I think the M1A is a better overall rifle. BUT, there is just something about shooting the Garand. To me it has less felt recoil. I like my M1A but i love my M1.

Fred S

New member
I'll echo others here. I have a M1A and three Garands. I like all four rifles. My M1A shoot very nice but there is still something about hearing that ping of the enbloc clip coming out of the Garand.

Unkel Gilbey

New member
308 Garands


There are aftermarket Garand barrels chambered in .308 all over the place. Gun Parts Corporation (Numrich) has 'em, Fulton Armory has em, and even Brownells has em. You can get an ordinary, run of the mill barrel for just over $100.00, or you could go whole hog and get a Match barrel for your baby!

Brownells used to sell a plastic block which went into the magazine (forward) to keep the 308 shells from riding too far forward in the clip while loaded in the rifle, but they've stopped carrying this piece. I have been told that this device isn't really needed, but I'd say the jury is still out on that one. Other than that, you can pretty much get her into action after swapping barrels.

I have a 308 barrel that is waiting on a rainy day, but it's short chambered, and will need finish reaming before it can be used in my rifle.

But this would all be for the normal length Garand, as the gas port, and all the other stuff on the barrel (threading for the gas block, etc. is still in the normal places. Once the barrel is swapped, I can hang all the old furniture off of it, and go shooting!

If I understand you correctly, your Garand is a shorty? Like a Tanker model? I would imagine that a good smith could shorten it (a 308 barrel) up, if that's what you needed, he'd just have to copy your 30-06 barrel.

But damfino why you'd want a shorty Garand! Like mine stock, as she's the best off-hand shooting rifle that I own!

Good luck!

Unkel Gilbey


New member
Poster above said it best: "I like my M1A, I LOVE my Garand."

When I'm shooting my M1A, I'm all business. When I'm shooting my Garand, I have this starry-eyed look like I'm some teenie-bopper at an N-Sync concert.

M1 Garand: $600
M1A Loaded: $1400
"Bing" from enbloc clip: Priceless. :D

Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta find my "Band of Brothers" tapes.

MP Freeman

New member
I do not like hearing that "ping" from a garand. It means I'm out of ammo.

I only have the M1A so far. I just put a 4X scope on the critter, which isn't that easy on a Garand.
I'm convinced both rifles are truly great and excellent shooters.



New member
It is hard for me to pick between these two fine rifles. I find the M1A easier to use in match shooting, and a little easier on the shoulder too. I reload for both of them, but the Garand still kicks more even with reloads.
The M14 I got to shoot once put the whole question in a different light. Shooting three to five round bursts of .308 off the M14 bipod was great!


New member
I like the machine that goes, "ping".

I'd like to get one of my Garands rechambered for .308, too. It would make ammo buying much simpler, since I have two other .308's. Anybody know how much the smithing services would cost?

Bottom Gun

New member
I've had both and the Garand gets my vote. It's much easier to carry in the field without that cumbersome magazine, they are equally accurate, and I've never needed more than 8 shots to accomplish what I wanted to do.


The M1A is obsolete its fun to shoot as is any good rifle but if the rifle is going to be used for a serious use then get something better. The M1A has some limited uses but for the most part it too is obsolete. get a Car 15 unless you need to snipe then get an AR10.


New member
The M1A is obsolete

Which is why they've been deployed in Somalia, Afganistan, and God knows how many other third world mudholes Uncle Sam keeps getting his boys into, eh?

