

New member
who owns one? please, tell me the pros and cons. is it the worth converting? be as brief or as indepth as you want....i'll read it all....thanks


New member
I have heard lots of good things about it's performance. There is just one problem the round has. That problem is "Why"? With so many options of
45 ACP loadings and launching platforms why was it born?


New member
why? well you just never know....i'm a strong fan of .45acp and will always own something in .45acp but if something like the gap.45 is atleast as good as my standard and allows for a more comfortable grip then i'd like to take a good look at it. GW45NUT, your input is very appreciated.


It's not really a conversion. I suppose you could convert a .45ACP to the .45GAP but it wouldn't make sense.

The GAP is a cartridge that duplicates the ballistic performance of standard pressure .45ACP in a slightly shorter package which allows it to fit into a frame that is designed for the 9mm. Some law enforcement agencies have embraced it as smaller officers may have problem with the grip size on some .45ACP designs.


New member
I'm a LEO in Miami, have been carrying the G37 for three years now. My Department issues the G22C and we have the option of buying a .45 caliber Glock at our expense.

I've shot both the G21 and the new G21SF, neither one 'fits', 'handles', feels right. The GAP gives me .45 caliber performance in the standard frame. I don't have any complaints with capacity, 10 rounds in the mag is fine. The accuracy and performance is equal to the ACP. I'm also the senior Firearms Instructor for my agency. We did all the testing with the three calibers, the 40 S&W, the GAP, and the 45 ACP. Barriers, clothing, glass, gelatin, etc.

For duty we spec the 200 grain GDHP for the GAP. It clocks at 950 fps and the expansion is typical Gold Dot. The caliber works as advertised. The Glock 37 has a thicker slide than the 17/22. I feel that it gives better balance and handling. As for ammo availability, I'm in Miami, FL. and I haven't been in a gunshop that doesn't carry it. Besides, there's always Midway USA.


New member
to JohnKSa - i should have typed to convert to GAP.45 as in a new h/gun....not to convert a current .45acp to chamber GAP.45 loads. my shortsight. thank you to all of you gents.

its looking good so far.


New member
GAP= Gawd Awful Pistol! Gastons way of trying to atain the level of JMB. Never going to happen. A useless round if i ever have seen one.


New member
I own a G37. I reload so ammo isn’t an issue with me. If the Glock 9mm frame fits your hand and you want a 45 caliber, buy one, you will be happy.

I’ll bet michael t and kgpcr don’t own one, too bad.


New member
According to *Butch's* dictionary.....

An innate fear of the use by anyone of the .45 GAP cartridge in preference to the .45 ACP cartridge.

GAPophobes always seem to want to argue about how there is no purpose for the .45 GAP cartridge, no reason for it to exist. No amount of bandwidth wastage on the subject is too much!

They completely and callously disregard the fact that some people don't have hands that are big enough to handle a G21 well, but really like the Glock for it's many virtues, and want the historical power of the .45 ACP cartridge. They also don't seem to care that those of us who can be relatively comfortable with a G21 sized grip may simply *prefer* the smaller grip frame.

Even though it's been proven many times that the .45 GAP round is very much equal to the standard .45 ACP round (and very often is even a touch more powerful), GAPophobes will often repeat the inaccurate ramblings of those who think it could not be, and/or refuse to be honest about it.....but facts are facts.

Often GAPophobes cannot understand that a lot of folks feel the standard .45 ACP and .45 GAP cartridges are powerful enough, they just don't feel a need to have a .45+P or .45 Super, or compare the GAP to them. The .45 GAP, like the .45 ACP, is plenty mean enough!

It appears that GAPophobes are for some reason afraid that if the .45 GAP becomes popular, or in any way 'mainstream', they will somehow loose the ability to use or get their regular .45 ACP ammo or guns made for the round. This is obviously nonsense. Did the unstoppable .45 Colt go away when the .45 S&W (Schofield) appeared? Or when the .45 ACP appeared?

A note to GAPophobes: Can't we all just get along? We don't need to argue every time we desire to talk about the .45 GAP round. A lot of us like ALL .45's! I even like the .455 Webley round!

The Quote above was taken from here -

GAPophobia- Fear of the .45 GAP cartridge.


New member
My take on the GAP is that you primarily have to ask yourself two questions:

  1. Does the 9mm/.40 Glock grip feel exceptionally good in your hand?
  2. Are you unwilling to settle for anything less than .45 caliber if given a choice?

If you answer yes to both these questions, then the GAP might be the round for you, because that's the sort of person the round was targeted at. Otherwise you might find yourself better served by either a different gun in .45 ACP that fits your hand better, or a Glock in 9mm, .40 or .357.

Of course with Para Ordnance making tiny 1911 pattern pistols chambered in the GAP, there's a chance that the role of the cartridge will expand further.

Officer's Match

New member
As I've said previously, the GAP might become attractive to me if Springfield ever chambers the EMP in 45GAP. To give up my 13 rounds of 40SW for 8 rounds of 45GAP in a compact Glock doesn't appeal to me.


New member
I do not have a Gap and do not plan to.

However, if it fit my hand better and I preferred the 45 (I do) as a defensive round than why not.
I load so it would not make a big difference to me and a couple bucks extra for the factory I would keep as defensive rounds (litigation more likely with reloads) would not matter over a better fit.

However, I have not felt one that fit me in a way that was an improvement but that does not mean others have not.

We all talk about compatibility and availability and my snipers all being 308 matters not considering I don't have a factory round and can not remember shooting one in over 5 years so knowing Wal-Mart always has 308 means nothing to me. Knowing Nosler has a sale on factory seconds on 168gr match bullets does.

Just because I have no need for a GAP gun does not mean others do not.



New member
first of all, thank you to each and everyone for your tempered arguments and opinions. so far, with some of my own reading and your informed opinions i've come to the conclusion that this fairly new cartridge is actually worth looking into (ie; to buy a new firearm) being that it's performance is essentially identical to the venerable .45acp (yes, i respect it that much .it was here before me and will be when i'm gone).

a second concern to me is that i know only a !very! short list of manufacturers that offer a product chambered for this newer round. as always, thanks for all your help, threats, and bribes.

p.s. .... Does the 9mm/.40 Glock grip feel exceptionally good in your hand? - yes, but i have trained myself to use my .45's very well.
....Are you unwilling to settle for anything less than .45 caliber if given a choice? - that is correct.