GAP 10 Most Accurate AR 10 type rifle? Maybe so. (1/2 MOA @ 1000yds)


New member
I agree, just have to find time to get money saved up. Has me wanting one extremely bad now.

Bump figured it would get more recognition :confused: 1/2 MOA @ 1000yds with a semi..:eek:
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New member
I have a Les Baer .308 Semi-Auto Sniper and have shot <.25 MOA at 100 yards. Have shot metallic silhouettes at 900 yards. Don't have a place to put up 1,000 yard targets - and at that point, the accuracy would be more my failing than the rifle.

It really becomes a question of ammunition with highly accuracy rifles. I've looked at some Federal ammunition with a concentricity gage and was disappointed to find 0.0095 measurement in some rounds with variability running 0.0015 to the 0.0095.


New member
Hadn't seen that. Still half MOA @ 1000yds for an AR platform is extremely impressive.
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New member
I think GAP and Larue are the top contenders for accurate semi-auto rigs. If I did not have a precision gun already, it would probably be between the Larue OBR and GAP 10.


New member
Unless all the competitors were tested at the same place, same day, same ammunition I doubt any one could claim to be the most accurate though this unit looks to perform way near the top.


New member
That's true. Though i've never seen an AR as consistent as the GAP10. Most range reports on the hide are having results of bolt rifle accuracy and as Tyler displayed even at distance. Granted i haven't looked into the OBR or Les Baer, KAC has mixed reviews for the cost of their weapons. The LMT MWS would be my second choice.


New member
Yeah Tyler can shoot, i asked him on the hide if he got much time to shoot during the school year. Both of us being undergrad i was curious how he fits it in his schedule. He said he does almost no shooting during the semester, which is pretty ridiculous. He obviously just has a natural talent for it. For me to retain my consistency and accuracy i have to constantly shoot.
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New member
Yea. Not sure how he can retain that kind of accuracy without consistent practice. I barely shot for about 2 months last winter and saw my accuracy degraded a little.


New member
He might just do it all summer. I hardly have time anymore except the one month i get off in winter to shoot my rifles. I know what you mean though if i don't shoot i lose it.


New member
What's the big deal? It's well known that the 7.62 AR platform is a very capable rifle. I see sportsman shooters get sub moa with $900 DPMS LR-308's.

Getting .5 moa at 1k yds is more shooter than anything. My N6 can do .5 moa at 100-300yds, past that the shooters skill starts to show.:rolleyes:


New member
Noone said anything about the 7.62x51 AR being incapable of accuracy at distance. Yeah it's a big deal (for me at least) because 3/8s MOA and just Sub-MOA are two different things, especially when it comes to a semi. Sub-MOA is nothing new on semi's but to see one that will hold it's ground all day long with my bolt rifle (and others) is impressive. While i do agree it's all shooter at the 1k yard line, semi's aren't known for that kind of accuracy. Most people can't do that with a bolt rifle much less a semi. In my experience and most others that i've talked to semi's are harder to shoot accurately than bolt guns. IMO it's extremely impressive, and is a good example of what kind of rifles George puts out.
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New member
The the gap 10 in the video just averaged .35 MOA. Tyler states guaranteed under 3/4s MOA as well. I'm not saying it's the most accurate AR-10 type rifle in the world, there is a reason i said maybe so, but it certainly contends.

I'm sure Fulton armory's AR 10 variant is just as accurate. The difference being i've seen the GAP 10 range reports, tyler results, George's results, and it's a shooter ;)
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New member
It pretty much comes down to the quality of barrel... You could put a Krieger barrel on a DPMS upper/lower combo and it would shoot head to head with the GAP and Fulton.

The mass acceptance of the AR platform in general has really pushed the minimum expected quality bar up pretty high!


New member
It pretty much comes down to the quality of barrel... You could put a Krieger barrel on a DPMS upper/lower combo and it would shoot head to head with the GAP and Fulton.

The mass acceptance of the AR platform in general has really pushed the minimum expected quality bar up pretty high!

Now you're trying to be realistic about this. The thread is supposed to be a GAP lovefest based upon one shooter and one rifle being extrapolated to a universal conclusion - "GAP10 Most Accurate AR-10 type rifle."

The fact is there are probably 3-4 manufacturers that can match the accuracy - with the shooter having the greatest effect. For example, I have no idea how Les Baer shoots his test targets - but, I can tell you the two 5-shot groups provided with the rifle look like slightly enlarged, ragged .30 caliber holes. Meaning, Les is one hell of shot (yes, he shot the test target - it's signed by him) and I wouldn't doubt he could do the same thing nearly any day.

The best I've been able to do with the rifle is one hole that's about .50 caliber in size for 5 shots - slightly smaller than a nickle where Les' targets are less than a dime in size.

For my use, none of that matters - I'm using it for precision tactical rifle and the second time I took it out after getting the scope sighted - I hit a torso steel target at 900 yards with repeated shots - in a variable cross wind. Took 3 shots to get the elevation dialed into the scope, and one shot for the crosswind - and then you could just pull the trigger and repeat the hit on the target.

I shot 5 shots, and then turned the rifle over to a friend, told him where to put the cross hair for windage, and he repeated the multiple shots. Neither of us are talented, practiced long range shooters - but, as I'm fond of saying - "I'll take luck over talent any day."