Gander Mountain and AR-15's


New member
Last week I filled out a transfer form at my local GM store to get an AR-15 sent to me. Yesterday I got a call from the gun department, the request had been denied because the AR is "an assault rifle".

I called the customer service office today and talked with Lena. She didn't want to hear anything I had to say and just kept repeating the corporate mantra that AR's are assault rifles. I tried to expalin to her how it was not, but got nowhere. I asked to speak with her supervisor and she refused. I did get out of her the CEO's name, Mark Baker.

I will be writing a letter to him and will send some material I printed off the Internet explaining what a real assault rifle is and how an AR-15 isn't.

Would anyone like to help out here? The address is Gander Mountain Corporate Office, 180 East Fifth St., Suite 1300, St. Paul MN 55101. Perhaps some letters will cause him to eliminate this ridiculous policy.


New member
I'll help by not purchasing a thing from their store. Their crap is overpriced and their service sucks. I put them in the same league as Dick's. PC bastards.



New member
Don't waste your time with them.

AR-15s are not part of their market and probably never will be.

Also, they have the right to decide what they wish to buy and sell.


New member
Go to and check out their 'FFL Finder". Find a transfer agent close to you and quit using retail outfits to handle this.


New member
Personally I have recieved the best service and usually the best prices at Gander, the not Assault rifles thing bugs me but Ill get over it. The only thing that bothers me is that they dont even carry accessories, cant even buy a magazine for my AR, oh well.


New member
I would stop doing any business at Gander Mountain

It is one thing if Gander Mtn does not feel the need to include a firearm such as an AR15 and accessories for it in their firearms selection, but to deny a transfer of a perfectly legal semi-automatic rifle such as an AR15 which is no different than if they transferred a 10/22 for you, even more so now that the ban is gone, and label it as an "assault rifle" to which not that they are too predjudice to sell in their stores, but to deny a transfer showing that they don't think any law-abiding gun owner should have them shows that they are just another one of those outdoors stores that act like they are all for the shooting sports, hunting and the right to bear arms until you mention the evil black rifle with the evil pistol grip, flash hider and removable hi-cap magazine and all of a sudden they show their liberal colors.


New member
I stopped spending money there after waiting 15 minutes for a sale clerk to get off the phone with his wife about 10 years ago. He said he would be right with me as he answered the phone and stood there talking to her about their dinner plans and her dental appointment the next day. When he turned back to the counter no appology just "What do you want?" I told him I wanted to buy a Colt Python they had, but I would go to a shop up the street that had one also since his dinner plans were more important than making a sale. Actually I wanted a box of .22's I couldn't find, but the Python was the most expensive pistol he had in the case. Figured it would do him good to think he lost commision on a $900 sale instead of a box of .22's. He stood there looking dumbfounded as I walked out. I haven't been in one since then.