Galveston TX, gun friendly?


New member
Currently live just outside Atlanta and it's a fairly gun friendly area with a good selection of ranges and stores. Have my CCW here in GA. Interviewing for a job today in Galveston (I'm civil service) and was just wondering about how gun friendly the area is.

I lived in San Antonio for 10 years, basically the 80s, and it was a gun friendly area. I've got about a 50% chance of getting this position so I'd like to get some feedback on the area if I can. Also, will it be tough to get a Texas permit considering I have my Georgia permit? Thanks in advance... Dave


New member
Houston's got a bad rap for a rogue DA, but it's still TX and the legislature is trying to remove the loopholes he was exploiting. I don't think TX has a transfer program to convert your GA concealed permit to a TX CHL, so you'll have to start from scratch, unfortunately. It's certainly not hard though - just not free like it should be. There are few carry restrictions anywhere in the state.


New member
You can consider TX as a gun friendly state. It is a shall issue state and for getting a CHL you have to go through a reasonably process and 10 hours class not including firearm training. Few restrictions where you can't carry similar to other states.
I'm not that familiar with the area ranges. I think there's one in Pasadena and several in Houston itself (I use Top Gun and American Shooting Range). Most likely you'll find a club or range in Galveston also.
You can fire guns on private property outside of city limits. You'll be ok.

Try posting on for more info on Galveston local ranges.


New member
Houston's got a bad rap for a rogue DA

Houston blows pretty bad. Nobody will sign off on NFA toys and the cops tend to be more "John Wayne-ish" and aren't very friendly towards guns (I "The Duke" threatening to take me downtown, while I was in ACUs for having a pistol in the car without a CHL, even though it's perfectly legal :rolleyes:).

But Galveston is a good 30-40 miles away and should be away from Houston's stupidity.

And no matter what your still in Texas, where most people own guns (hell even in our liberal oasis of Austin, you'll see people who would blend-in in San Francisco out enjoying their Evil Black Rifles).


New member
Galvestons a great city, go for it. Very nice downtown area and a good tourist business yet very affordable place to live.

With all the blue collar type jobs in fishing, oil and other coastal type jobs you should find the people very gun friendly.


New member
I was a bit shocked when I learned of the cost and hassle of getting a CCW but each state has it's quirks. Been shooting handguns for nearly 35 years, spent 20 years in the military, and still have to go to a class - OK.

Should know in a week or so if I'll be a Texan again, at least I kept the twang and "howdy" remains my preferred greeting...


New member
Been shooting handguns for nearly 35 years, spent 20 years in the military, and still have to go to a class - OK.

The license fee is half ($70.) for honorably discharged vets, unless you got out in the last 365 days. Then it's free.