Gallup poll: more anti registration opinions


New member
We someone's hammering on your head with anti gun views, its nice to be able to cite a recent Gallup poll that supports you, isn't it? Go to this gallup poll of mid-January and scroll down to the results to the question "Would you favor or oppose the registration of all handguns?"

It shows that the percentage of those favoring registration has DROPPED over the the recent years.

Could it be that HCI isn't making as much of an impression as they would like all to believe?


"Suppose you are an idiot. And suppose you are a member of congress.
But I repeat myself."
-- Mark Twain

[This message has been edited by Numbers (edited February 16, 2000).]


New member
As Joe points out above, the numbers are getting better.

If you look at them, these are the best numbers for us than any in over ten years!

We are still behind the curve, but the war is winnable.

There is one amazing item, those who favored greater gun owner registration was highest in 1938, at 84% in favor, and it has never been lower than 66%, according to the Gallup numbers in the report. The current number of 73% in favor of registration is lower than it has been in over ten years, and actually the numbers have been getting better since Clinton has been in office! Maybe coincidence, but I think the more people focus on the issue, the more they reject gun control as the answer to crime control.

We can't relax. We must keep educating our family, friends and enemies! (I'd pick family and friends first ;) ).
