Galco Belts, opinions if you have one....


New member
I was looking at their belts online and was looking at two of them:

The CLB5 carry light and the CSB7 Cop Belt. theres a link to their belts.

The cop belt is twice as much at $62 and I was wondering if it is worth it. I dont have a carry weapon yet, or a rig, but will pry be carrying IWB.

Let me know if you have either of these and your thoughts for longevity and strength.


chris in va

New member
I can only speak for the one I bought 3 years ago. Within one year it was pretty much useless as it went completely limp.

I highly recommend you get something with a stiffener, whatever brand you go with.


New member
I have 3 Galco belts. In my opinion they are pretty good overall. I think a lot of belts made to support a holster scream "GUN BELT" That's fine if you generally get to carry while dressed very casually.

The Galco stuff just has stitching and other finish details that look more like a regular dress belt to me. I have one of their Sporting belts that's done plenty of ccw work and some IDPA as well as just holding up my pants in while hunting. I'd buy another. I've never used any of their pre-curved stuff. Their Cops belts are plenty sturdy while looking a little nicer than a lot of other gun belts. Just my 2 cents.


New member
I have their CB4, which is a 1.5" with a stiffener. I bought it because custom belt wait times were l-o-n-g. It's been a surprisingly good belt, but I think I am losing a little weight, and I'm now on the last hole. I may have to get another belt soon :rolleyes:



New member
I've used a Galco Cops Belt for over three years and it has performed well. It has many years of service left in it. I'd buy one again. I may try the Concealable next time.


New member
Thanks starshooter......The guy at ontarget was telling me about that place today. Might have to drive up there one of these days


New member
Have several of the $60-$70 ones (don't remember the model #'s) ---have worn one everyday for several years now---good product.