GA Congressman Changes Position


New member
US Representative Phil Gingrey of Georgia has changed his position on potential magazine limits and now says he no longer supports limiting capacity. He said, “I have come to the conclusion that [limiting clip capacity] clearly would be a mistake — that it would not solve the problem”. The Congressman also states that he opposes universal background checks.

Basically he says that his earlier statement was an emotional response to the recent shootings and that he was really just “thinking out loud”. Well, I suspect all the calls to his office where his constituents were “speaking out loud” got his attention. He is being mentioned as a possible US Senate candidate and probably realized his position was out of step with the folks in Georgia.

Seems like a perfect example of someone that was definitely influenced by all the calls and letters, so yes these folks do listen – sometimes.


New member
VERY good to hear but lets be real, let me fix your quote below

“I have come to the conclusion that [limiting clip capacity] clearly would be a mistake for my political future

We need to snap these Rep's and Senators back to a simple reality: If you vote for unlawful gun control measures such as an AWB or a Magazine ban, we will vote you out of office!


New member
I wonder if he is saying what the people want to hear to get elected, then turn around and go with his own agenda (limiting magazine capacity and universal background checks) once in office..
I have a hard time trusting people who flip flop like that.. especially those who clearly have aspirations of their own.


New member
Other than party, I wonder what common link between him and the State Rep from WA in the other post. They're using the same backpedal at the same time. Coincidence is possible, possibly even probable, but I still wonder if someone isn't making the rounds.


New member
Originally posted by redhologram

he is saying what the people want to hear to get elected, then turn around and go with his own agenda (limiting magazine capacity and universal background checks) once in office..


Penance is more than saying 'sorry'. Back it up with some action. It takes more than words to prove your conviction and regain our trust.
I wonder if he is saying what the people want to hear to get elected, then turn around and go with his own agenda
I've spoken with him, and the impression I got was that somebody stuck a microphone in his face and started peppering him with questions before he could wrap his head around the shooting.

Gingrey has been very supportive of the 2A, not just in voting against restrictions, but in actually sponsoring good legislation.

Any politician can renege on promises, but it's looking like a few folks are feeling less afraid to oppose a wave of gun control that doesn't look as inevitable as it did a couple of months ago. That, and I'm sure a few phone calls from the NRA didn't hurt.


New member
I've spoken with him, and the impression I got was that somebody stuck a microphone in his face and started peppering him with questions before he could wrap his head around the shooting.

Glad to see him come back to the "right" side of the issue. When the reporters get into a feeding frenzy as they are apt to do when they smell blood in the water around conservatives, why don't our conservative politicians say something to the effect of, "I'll need a little time to review what really happened here and then take an informed position, rather than an immediate and emotional one. I'll be happy to state my position once I've had some time to reflect on this recent atrocity. 26 people have just been gunned down in cold blood. Let's take some time to grieve about them and with their families before we go all political over it." That would garner some very appropriate respect, I would tend to believe.