G21 to 1911 to G21


New member
My first auto was a Glock 21, thought it was too big and bulky and sold it even though I was dead accurate with it. I went through various other handguns and calibers and decided that the .45acp caliber was the caliber for me. I finally got sucked into the 1911 cult and bought a full-size stainless S.A. "loaded" 1911, the guns' heft and grip felt great and I thought, "now I know what everyone's been bragging about".
However, after approximately 3000 rounds of various types of factory and reloaded ammo, I've come to realize that no matter what I do, I could never be as accurate with it as I was with the G21. The Glock was accurate and reliable with every type of factory ammo I ever put in it. Although I trust the cocked and locked of the 1911, there's just an uneasiness about it, the Glock is chambered or it is not. It's probably a trivial and unfounded feeling or concern, but that's just how I feel.
So, I'm going back to the Glock 21, it just darn fits, it was the most accurate handgun I've ever shot.
'bout as bad as women and shoes 'eh? :rolleyes:


New member
I started with the Glock 21, sold it to get a new USP9, then bought my USP45, and although I love my USP's I want another Glock. I am considering a new G21 with factory Meprolights...just like the one I so foolishly sold :rolleyes:


My G21 is a tad more accurate than my 1911 also. Not enough to make a difference for self defense though.
Betcha could smoke the Glock with a BarSto barrel for the 1911!


New member
When I first got my 1911, it would constantly hang up, the round would come from the magazine and the nose of the bullet would get stuck at the top of the chamber of the barrel. I would either have to give the slide a slight nudge or pull the slide back enough to release the pressure on the round whereas it would then fall into the chamber and then into battery.
Well, to say the least it was sent back to Springfield where they replaced the barrel with a new one. I've heard that Springfield makes a two-piece barrel, but I could swear after very close scrutiny under magnifying glass, that neither the old or the new barrel were two-piece at all. Either way, the gun functioned flawlessly with the new barrel, but accuracy didn't changed, even after I replaced the two-piece guide rod assembly with the traditional plug. So who knows, but I know it's not a Glock.


New member
"...the Glock is chambered or it is not. "
Well, you know, the 1911 is either chambered or not as well.
If you can shoot that Glock better, then more power to you.
I can have fun with a Glock, but I've never been "dead accurate," and if your Glock is more accurate than your 1911, it just begs the question: "who made your 1911?"

Lumping Springfield, Kimber, Colt, Charles Daly, Norinco and everyone else out there making a 1911-pattern is kinda like putting the Glock and Sigma in the same box.

I haven't heard too many folks deny that a Glock will eat anything you feed it, but I've heard even less say it was "accurate."

I do really dig the low bore axis, but I personally can't handle that trigger worth a damn over 7 yards.

To each their own!


Blue Duck357

New member
Go with what works for you. Only problem is financially most of us have to sell one thing in order to try something else. So I think the "Tried it sold it went back to it" is a really common (though) expensive phenomenom.

My G-17 and G-19 would outshoot either of my 1991A1's by quite a bit, but the Colt would eat my G-23's lunch. I think most of the "Glocks are not accurate" thing comes from people not used to the trigger. Of course Bar-sto also makes Glock match barrels too if you want to go there ;)


New member
The G21 is accurate and reliable with ergonomics that no one seems to call perfect. It has a big blocky grip that provides a good repeatable grasp of the gun from shot to shot. Mine never missed a beat and though I sold it, I would recomend it to anyone with medium to large hands. I have a custom 1911 that is very accurate now, but it is more of a range gun than a work- horse like the G21.

If you like the safety on the 1911 and don't mind a higher bore axis consider a HK USP45. I have a USP45 Tactical and it is the only .45 I hold in the same regard as the G21. At any rate, it sounds like you know what you want. Good luck on your new G21 purchase



New member
Maybe I'm way off base here but this seems similar to the AR vs. AK debate. It seems to me that getting the close tolerances necessary for extreme accuracy just makes the weapon less reliable.

I've always considered combat accuracy and range accuracy two different things. I would never consider carrying a pistol set up for competition nor would I consider using a carry pistol in competition.

Personally, I can't stand the grip, grip angle or trigger on a Glock. They just don't fit my hand at all. I'd just as soon have a 2x4 for a grip as any of the hi capacity guns, particularly the Beretta. Plus, the Glock is just plain ugly!!

If everyone in the world were like me this would be a pretty dull world. That's what keeps all these different companies in business, that everyone is different. You shoot your Glock and I'll keep my 1911s, that way we're both happy.


New member
I know Glock recommends using factory ammunition only and I've read about many Glock kb's, some from using reloaded ammunition. I reload now, I don't hot load any of my rounds, but is the Glock more susceptible to kb's with hotter rounds because of the unsupported ramped bottom chamber?
I know that the bullet is almost fully encased by the chamber on my Springfield, moreso than they are with the Glock?
Should this be a consideration for keeping the Springfield? I understand any firearm can kb with rounds loaded above recommendations, but I also understand that the brass weakens after each firing.


New member
The chances for a KB with 45 ACP are slim and none it just doesn’t generate the necessary pressures. Now having said that I have found that the Glock triggers leave much to be desired compared to what can be done with a 1911. The best trigger job out in the market for Glock guarantees 2 to 2.25 pound trigger (www.custom-glock.com) while I currently own 1911's with 1.00 lbs for open class and 1.50 lbs for limited class triggers. These numbers are strictly from an IPSC point of view. It's also been my experience that 1911 gunsmith is not that hard to find but gunsmiths for Glock are a scarce commodity. (Just might be a good career path for some people)


New member
I currently carry a G17 on duty...and off, but am returning to my TRUE love, a 1911 for duty and off-duty use. I am SICK of plastic.


New member
Well, I did it. I sold the Springfield for a Glock 21, it was ordered and received in today, I'll pick it up in a few weeks. My first G21 was of the 1st generation production, this one is going to be obviously of the 3rd generation heritage in which there are a few enhancements incorporated including improved reliability.
My first G21 was totally reliable, but they say that they've made some minor modifications to the later production models that has improved reliability. I've heard the 1st generation G21 called jam-o-matics. What are the opinions of G21 owners regarding the changes between the 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation models?


New member
If the cock 'n locked 1911 makes you feel uneasy you have every right to switch to something that will make you feel more comfortable. We can go on and on about which is safer or more prone to ND/AD's but what's most important is that the shooter feels comfortable with their firearm.

The Glock 21 is a fantastic full size .45 caliber weapon and is my personal favorite of the other 2 close competitors, the Sig P220 and H&K USP/f. The CZ 97 DA trigger is WAY too long for my fingers. I often shoot 2nd generation Glock 21's at the range and they have been superbly reliable. In the hands of more accurate shooters than I, I have seen some of the most impressive groups at the range. If the grip on the G21 was slightly thinner I'd choose it as my favorite handgun of all time.


New member
I went to the gun store today to check out the new G21 I traded for. I like the cosmetic changes made to the latest rendition, the finger-grooves feel good and the accessory rails look appealing to me. They give it a more rugged look than the previous offering. All I ask is that it is as reliable and accurate as my previous early model G21.


New member

I went the other direction, I sold my Glock 21 and now own the USP45f and the P220ST. I shot the Glock well enough, but the grip was just too big. I do have a Glock 30 now though, I seem to do much better with the smaller Glocks and the larger Sig's HK's and 1911's.


New member
EVERY gun is always loaded,UNLESS it's taken apart for cleaning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
