FYI for all "Gun-Ban"

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Dr Big Bird PhD

New member
There are no references to where this was leaked or found. I am sort of expecting something like this, but I'd like to see something more than fear mongering on a website I've never heard of.

However, let's be honest. Obama wants something like this to happen rather he has the chance to or not.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
The website is pure fear-mongering.

The supposed "leaked ban list" is nothing of the sort. It's an exact copy of the proposed re-instated AWB, HR 1022.

Such a bill is introduced in every session of congress, in both houses, in every state congress and house, every single session.

Would it suck? Yes it would.

It's nothing new and it's nothing secret.
The referenced article is using information from 2009, and the original post is a drive-by, so it's curtains for this one.
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