Funny thing happened - again - at my LGS today.


New member
Kimber Custom Target II.

There's a million ways to go with a 1911. And I'm not a particular fan of Kimber. But this model has everything I was looking for: match grade barrel/bushing; crisp "target" trigger; large adjustable sights. And doesn't have anything I don't need: stainless; ambi-safety; fancy grips; ornate serrations, etc.

I wanted a 1911 that would satisfy my requirements in an out-of-box stock condition. Because it may see nightstand duty, I prefer to keep it stock. At the range, I'll change recoil springs to match my ammo strength, of course. But other than that, it stays stock.

I really like the sights. They're just large and black - no painted lines or dots. And the blade and post widths are perfect for each-other - just a little daylight on each side. Perfect for my old eyes.


I'm in California, so I have a 10 day wait (actually, an 11 day wait; due to store policy). Looking forward to putting a couple hundred rounds of Winchester White Box through it for break in. Lots of other stuff after that (I load).

When I think 45 ACP, I think 1911; and when I think 1911, I think 45 ACP. I don't think of one without the other. (Thompson sub-machine gun would be an honorable exception :D) This is my second 1911. My first - and I still have it - is a Colt 'Series 80' purchased in 1984. It's a great gun and I have tens of thousands of rounds though it. But it has been modified and is also in need of some extensive refurb/upgrading.

Seriously, this actually completes my handgun collection (Okay, stop laughing! :D). I have no itch for any other handgun that I don't already own. I'm a revolver guy. I think my only chance of ever buying another handgun is if I just happened to stumble across a really nice used S&W revolver that tickled my fancy somehow. Not likely.


New member
Makes you feel better I have only one 1911 a CGC (Colt Gold Cup), moded common to IPSC. Mod done because I wore the bluing off one of three CGC's, all series 70, I had plus I do fast mag changes. I prefer the S&W 745.


New member
Yeah, how many shootin' irons can a person really make use of.
It can get downright amazing how many guns some folks wind up with.
It could be worse, though.
At least they don't take up much space or require much in the way of maintenance.
Think of the hassle for folks who get hooked on having car collections.
The poor devils.


New member
It can get downright amazing how many guns some folks wind up with.

There are many whose collections far exceed mine. When this newest bundle of joy arrives, I'll be at fourteen - eight revolvers, and six semi-autos.

I consider five of them to be safe queens who come out to play less than once a year. Three others only spend a few days outside the safe per year. Then I've got my three carry pieces - which I try to shoot at least once every eight weeks. That actually only leaves three that I shoot recreationally and frequently.

I've purchased all my guns new (not that I'm opposed to buying a used gun). And I still have all of them.


New member
I too, think of a 1911's when I think of .45ACP. Well except for a Thompson of course. I probably have too many handguns as I don't shoot most of them, but I just can't bear to get rid of any.

I want to get a Gold Cup one of these days, but since I generally only buy used, I am patiently waiting for one to turn up at a fair price.

Top 1928-A1 Thompson
1st row left to right: 1914 Springfield, 1942 Colt.
2nd row: 1944 Remington-Rand, 1943 Ithaca
3rd row: Rock Island Officers Model, Colt 1991 Government Model.



New member
Funny thing happened - again - at my LGS today.

IMHO, going to a LGS and walking out with a new gun is not a funny or strange happening, but just a normal least for me.:D


New member
Nice collection Highpower. None of those should be sold.

walking out with a new gun is not a funny or strange happening, but just a normal occurrence.

I'm still trying to convince the wife they breed in the safe ;)


New member
Admittedly I have only acquired a few very specific guns (purpose driven I like to say) in the last 5 years.

I started buying motorcycles, I used to think my guns were a huge investment of space and money....try getting 7 bikes in a 2 car garage...or paying for them and all the crap you just have to have with them, engine and performance upgrades, custom seats etc.


New member
First time out

So I got my Kimber last Friday. Cleaned it up and took it out to the range.

After the first mag, I shot a nice, tight group; but all to the left. Adjusted the site and it looked like I got it pretty straight - maybe with some fine tuning to come later.

After putting another 5 or 6 mags through it, it started shooting left again - which seemed odd. I'm a good enough shot to know it wasn't me. Somehow, the site seemed to have come out of adjustment. So I went to go readjust the site, and the windage screw fell out - sheared off at about 3/4 of its length.

Packed up and went home. I'm not pleased.

Will call Kimber tomorrow or Tuesday.


New member
They'll fix you up. I've had five Kimbers. four with the Bomar type sights like yours. Those four were excellent, accurate, reliable guns from the start. I prefer all black sights, especially the Bomar type, myself. PS, nothing ever broke on any of my Kimbers. I always thought that if anything, especially a dreaded MIM part, ever broke, I'd put it out on the internet. But, never could get anything to break;-)


New member
They'll fix you up.

That's encouraging to hear. I've never had to call a firearm manufacturer with a problem like this before.

I prefer all black sights

Me too. Keep it simple. I just want to see a silhouette.

especially the Bomar type

I don't know what a Bomar site is :p. But I like the one I have on my Kimber - except for the whole "it's broken" thing.


New member
IMHO, going to a LGS and walking out with a new gun is not a funny or strange happening, but just a normal least for me.

I went to the gun store the other day to pick up an FFL transfer and saw something in the counter.

For some bizarre reason that damn thing stowed away with me on the way home.

I really like the sights. They're just large and black - no painted lines or dots.

Didn't know that the Kimber came with non-dot sights. Good to know. I'm a fan of plain sights as well. Some other people probably assume between World War I and Vietnam, nobody aimed their pistols... :D


New member
Kimber Customer Service

Called Kimber Customer Service today. Without hesitation, the rep agreed to send me an entire new rear sight.

I still have to find (and pay for) someone to install it for me, but that's fine.

I feel they did the right thing. I'm satisfied.
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So install the sight least it will NOT be bedded in black locktite like the Super Red Hawk I picked up a few days ago......