Funny Test thing... (Brady Campaign)


New member
Ok so get this.. these states scored A's on the Brady smart gun law test

New Jersey

These scored B's

New York
Rhode Island

Vermont scored an F except for 2 out of the 9 questions, they scored C's on the other two....yet Vermont scored a D. Mississippi Also got straight F's except for the same two, Mississippi scored A's on those... yet their overall grade was an F. --- I think I can explain why... BECAUSE THESE GUYS ARE FULL OF ****..

Florida got a D... which sucks... it should of gotten an F... because F to these morons is an A to us Floridians..

Out of the states that scored A's or B's. 5 of them are also on the leading crime rates list...


New member
I can never visit that site again. My blood pressure is through the roof and my blood is boiling.

What a bunch of CRAP.

chris in va

New member
It's actually pretty entertaining and refreshing to see the 'other' side of the coin. I like to see how their side thinks. A friend of mine's GF is ACLU liberal level, and we really have a lot of fun giving each other s**t about our stances. Ironically, she likes to shoot. :cool:

She shows me her ACLU card, I show her my CCW card. :D


New member
Be happy with you D-, we georgians got a plain D. 2 Bs on sale and possession of handguns to minors, Fs on everything else :D.

God Bless good ol' Georgia :)


New member
Missouri got a D-! I resent that. We are F material.I know it, my friends know it(some of my teachers know it), We'll try harder next year.


New member
Alaska gets a D-? :confused: :mad:
That'll change when the municipalities lose the ability to circumvent state law w/ stricter local ordinances. :D


New member
More proof that grades don't mean anything.

Ohio got a D- yet it is still not practical to carry here, unless you are willing to be a test case for some local DA.

If the restrictions on carrying "in plain view on your person" or locked up when driving were removed I think we could squeek into the F+ area, then if we could at least allow ourselves to drop our kids off at school without going through the process of locking it up outside of the "safety zone"... We just might make it into a good solid F and feel good about it.

(Did you notice the wording - allow ourselves, these are our laws not the governors or the state patrols. We need to invite the government that does not abide by the will of the people to seek employment opportunities elsewhere.)


New member
With Florida's recent codification of the right to self defense.. I hope that increases their rating to F--



Sadly, Oregon rates a C-. I am hoping to get it an F here soon.

In the A and B states on the brady bunches "report card" represents the states with the worse crime.

Yet, the brady bunch wishes all states to be an A or B. Basically, they want, for some reason, for all states to be crime ridden and the people killed.

I've always wondered, why does Sarah Brady want me dead? She seems to be fighting for my death to the point that all in all, I just wish that she would come to my house and kill me herself. At least it wouldn't be so impersonal.

To try to legistrate human nature or thoughts will never work. I am a fine example of that, here and elsewhere. As I will continue to do as I do, the criminals, those that are thinking about becoming criminals, and those that wish to do what they wish, will. No law, no "report card" and no emotion on the subject will change the mind of the one that will do as they wish to do.

Unfortunatly, this is called Human Nature. We were blessed, and then cursed, with too many things. We have a mind, that mind, simple gray matter that looks like puked up noodles, allows us to do as we do and think as we think. Unless you command a head shot to everyone on the planet, this will continue until God comes down and takes us to where we belong. Nothing that anyone says, or does, is going to change this.

We are blessed, and cursed, with life. As you there, or you over there, thinks that you are right, you are wrong.

Life is a wonderful thing, and I've gotten to the point that well, I've attacked, hurt, and verbally assualted my fellow man. And quite frankly, it's done nothing to help my life, hasn't gotten me anywhere, so therefore, I just realized that I've wasted 37 years of my life over nothing.

As Dwight signs off, and I believe,

God Bless,



New member
Chris in VA:

Despite what many think, the ACLU is not a "liberal" or "progressive" institution. They are protectors of civil liberties. While they do regularly support the extension of those civil liberties to people who did not previously have it in practice (African Americans, migrant workers, kids with piercings and tattoos), they are not attempting to do anything but uphold the constitution and enforce what's on the paper. As a Libertarian, I can only wish them well.


New member

New Mexico


New Hampshire
North Dakota
North Dakota
South Carolina
Douth Dakota
West Virginia

I may have missed a couple here, but you get the general idea.

I thought it interesting that North Carolina got a C rating. I used to like to visit that state, with its beautiful scenery, interesting wildlife, southern Appalachian music and varied geology, but I have noticed that every year I went back their were a few more yankee retirees, a few more big houses built where they shouldn't be and a little bit more urbanization.
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New member
Texas only a D thats messed up....

maybe some of the new legislation will get us that coveted F


New member
the ACLU... they are not attempting to do anything but uphold the constitution and enforce what's on the paper. As a Libertarian, I can only wish them well.

Right. Which is why they don't support the second amendment? Which is why they fought to get boy scouts out of public land? Give me a break. Sure they do some good, but it is selective and only serves the socialist agenda.

Curse me if you want, but I am a libertarian (not a party libertarian). As Jay Severin would say, a "radical independent".


New member

I don't curse you. I said my piece, and so did you.

As for party affiliations... I don't much believe in them. I tend to support whomever I like the best. It is often libertarian candidates; I noted this, and then registered with the party when I registered to vote in PA.

Overall, I find the ACLU to be good folks. I've never known them to attack the 2nd Ammendment. Usually they don't touch it, avoiding an area outside their expertise and leaving it to the NRA and other gunowner's associations. However, I would be happy to recant that if you can provide me with a few examples of anti-RKBA actions in which they've participated.

As for the Boy Scouts... well, my apathy toward the boyscouts' plight has nothing to do with firearms ownership.

In fact, this whole subthread has nothing to do with firearms. If you would like to continue, I will be happy to discuss my politics with you or anybody via PM, email, or any other mutually agreeable means. Let's not interrupt the thread.