Funny story


New member
I have a story about a XD40. I took the GF to the range for her first time. We went through the safety stuff and worked up to a full frame XD40 (from a 22 and a 38/357).

She said it was cool because it is a "cop gun". Anyway, the first time she squeezes one off, she drops it on the bench and, I swear, yells, "Holy crap flames come out of that thing." Everyone in the place turned around. Damn funny, maybe you had to be there but...........damn funny. We are still talking about it months later.

Do you have a funny story? Discuss.


New member
Lol. Very funny :D

Although VERY mean, I know of a guy who was out shooting trap loads, then he slips in a 3" mag when his wife took over.....From what I heard his wife about killed him.


New member
That is a good one

Years ago I took my wife, at that time girl friend, out to shoot one afternoon. She had never been around guns and wanted to try shooting. We lived in different towns so all I had with me that day was a light weight break action, single shot 12 ga. We found a suitable place to shoot and I gave her instructions on how the gun worked. I forget to tell her to hold it tight against her shoulder. My wife is 5 foot nothing tall. When she let the 12 off I had to pick her up off the ground. She was bruised and mad as heck. She had held the gun an inch or more away from her when she shot it. Needless to say it took years before I could get her to shoot again. She shoots a .22 rimfire now and enjoys it. If only I had had a video of that day. Jim :D


New member
Years ago when I had a trap shooting team I re-loaded for the whole team. At one time I got a wild hair and loaded one shell with black powder and made sure our most serious guy got it. When it went off he went off like a wet hen and everyone else at the club was ROFL.


New member
I don't have any funny stories cause i don't mess around when i shoot. Not to knock you guys and your funny stories, but funny stories are |----------------| this far away from being tragic stories

Smokey Joe

New member
You beat me to it...

Yankee Traveler. +1 here--the above are not doing anything positive for the shooting sports.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but this is just the sort of irresponsible actions--and attitudes--that the Antis love to use against us.

'Nuff said.
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Atleast she has a good site picture but man gota stop feed her those +P+ rounds and try the standard loads for less flame. Funny ,funny

Evan Thomas

New member
Old Grump said:
There is a word for people who do that to new shooters.
Several, actually.

This stuff is not funny. It's not only bad for our sport, it's unsafe and cruel. It's beyond me why cruel = funny for some people...


New member

I have a different sort of funny story; after years of trying to get my wife to the range, a friend of her's got a pistol and wanted to learn to shoot it, so my wife suggested I teach her, and my wife would come along. I brought my 9mm and my son's 380 to shoot also. Her friend had a new in the box 9mm and after the basic checkout she fired at a large target I set up at 10yds keeping most in the 9 ring and none in the center. My wife wanted to try the 380 as it was smaller; well I loaded and she shot a 1 1/2" group in the bull's eye. I wasn't going to even try to match that with that gun. Her friend wanted to know why they needed me. Don't count out the non-shooter..
I fail to see the humor in inflicting pain on a loved one AND failing to teach appreciation for our sport at the same time.

I don't have any funny stories cause i don't mess around when i shoot. Not to knock you guys and your funny stories, but funny stories are |----------------| this far away from being tragic stories.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but this is just the sort of irresponsible actions--and attitudes--that the Antis love to use against us.

There is a word for people who do that to new shooters.

Several, actually.


If someone were to try some of these bone-headed tricks at some of the ranges I attend, they would be sent on their way and gone for good.


New member
robhof ~

:D :D

Her friend wanted to know why they needed me.

And you replied ...

a) "Comic relief, ma'am."

b) "Hey, I brought the guns. And someone is going to have to clean these puppies when we're done!"

c) "Because it turns out that a fish really does need a bicycle."

d) "Shhhhh! Don't let the other guys hear you say that, I'll never live it down."




New member
Hrrm, my funny story with my wife and guns runs more like this.

She'd been shooting the .22lr pistol for a bit and decided that she had the "idea" enough to try something else. So I pulled out a .357 revolver, checked it for clear, and handed it to her.

She took that big piece of metal and looked at it and told me she wasn't sure she wanted to go THAT big and started to hand it back to me. I promised her that I had some really light loads and that it wouldn't hardly kick at all especially if she held it right so she decided to give it a try.

Well the loads really were light, I wasn't playing the fools game. They were some .38 special rounds I'd cooked up for Cowboy Action Shooting. So here's my wife taking a good stance but still all tensed up and nervous, and there's me doing my best at re-assuring her repeatedly that it was a light load in a heavy gun so it wasn't going to be bad at all...

Finally she pulled the trigger and........-bang- <typed lowercase to emphasize that it was a "powder-puff" load<

She stands there for a minute and then looks at me with utter disbelief on her face and says...
"Is that it? You mean that's it? I've been worried all this time about this huge gun and THAT'S ALL it does?!?"

I couldn't help it, I just busted out laughing and it took me a few more minutes to explain the difference between a light .38 load and a full house .357 Magnum (which she eventually felt she was ready for, tried, and did fine with BTW).


New member
Ease up a little.

The first poster said
Although VERY mean, I know of a guy
He admitted it was mean.
Yeah, he shouldn't have posted it.

The second poster said
I forget to tell her to hold it tight against her shoulder.
He did not do anything to intentionally hurt anyone.
I got the impression that it was funny between them and he didn't expect any outrage.
Probably didn't deserve any either.

Let's not start a pile on and get this thread closed.
The premise is not all that bad.
There are funny stories that can be told.
Lighten up, and keep the cruel humor out.
All will be well. :)

Here is mine.

At the last day of class we were doing a contest to see who was the fastest.
This is to help get the adrenaline up and simulate pressure.
We shot two at a time at poppers.
You had to knock down your popper first to win, just hitting it was not good enough.
I had been shooting my Para LTC commander all day long.
Suddenly, right before the contest the hammer followed the slide and I was afraid to shoot it anymore.
One of the officers loaned me his stainless Colt 1911 government (it was either an XS or an XSE) It was a beautiful gun.
I got to the line and the fire command was given.
Now, for the uninformed, a government 1911 has a 3/4" longer barrel than a commander 1911.
The guy I was shooting against was a friend and we had competed during the whole day. He was good.
The range officer called "Fire" and I pulled my borrowed colt straight up just like I am supposed to.
Then when I went to rotate it, it was 3/4" longer than my ltc and it was not clear of the holster.
It twisted right out of my hands.:eek:
All I could think was Don't drop Joe's gun. Don't drop Joe's gun. Don't drop Joe's gun. going over and over in my head.
I brought my left hand over and pressed the pistol between my hands to steady it.
I got a shooting grip, brought the gun up, and fired a single round and knocked over the popper.
I was embarrassed, but I wasn't going to give up.
At no time did the muzzle sweep anyone and it stayed pointed downrange despite my disaster.
I looked over at the range officers and they were practically ROFL.
I had won. :D HAHAHAHA!
My competitor had hit the popper multiple times but failed to knock it over!
He practically emptied his magazine while I was fumbling around.

I learned a great lesson.


New member
I think some are reading into this a bit much. Sounds like the OP's girl was just surprised by the muzzle flash. Heck my 9mm flashes a little bit, I know a .40 would. Sounded like they just had a good laugh at her exclamation. I agree messing with new shooters with hot loads, etc. isn't cool but it doesn't sound like that's what happened here. :confused:


New member
She stands there for a minute and then looks at me with utter disbelief on her face and says...
"Is that it? You mean that's it? I've been worried all this time about this huge gun and THAT'S ALL it does?!?"

ZeSpectre ~

:D Priceless!

A lot of people don't understand the basic laws of physics, and truly don't believe that a bigger & heavier gun is generally more pleasant to shoot than its lightweight smaller counterpart. Had one of those in the handgun selection course I was helping with last Saturday. No funny associated story, but it still surprises me how many people don't understand it instinctively.
