Funny HD story...


New member
So I own my own home (fiance and I) and we have 2 roommates. These guys are great friends, people I've known since my freshman year of school and trust completely. They both know I have guns, love guns, carry, and will defend my home by any means necessary. I've educated them on why I lock my bedroom door at night, and that any possible forced entry to my bedroom or the home in general will be dealt with at gunpoint. They are very clear on that. They laugh, tease and joke, often to where i wonder if it's appreciated.

So last night, about 4am, my roommate and his girlfriend awake in their bedroom to a terrible commotion. A college photo project on his top closet shelf had fallen from that shelf, onto the TV and dresser facing out of his door less closet, and knocked over approx 10 empty bottles being saved for a friend who brews beer. Apparently it made the most horrible, loud crashing and banging and what not...

He told me their immediate reaction was to freeze, GF actually rolled out of bed and laid flat on the floor. After what he described to be a solid 2 minutes, with no challenge or sounds or any movement at all from elsewhere in the home, the GF looks at my roommate and asks "Where's Bob?" (referring to me by nickname). Apparently they expected this sort of commotion to bring me flying from my room fully loaded and shooting at shadows. I never moved, never heard a thing. Other roommate never heard it either...

My roommate said his GF actually seemed a little disappointed that this didn't wake me and bring me out to the rescue. I just thought the whole deal was a little funny... Anyone else have any similar experience, one where your intimate friends thought you were sure to be at Condition 1 and you didn't react for whatever reason? Not particularly interesting, just curious after thinking about this today...


New member
It is a funny story and IMO, a good reaction from the roomate's GF, but a bit of a red flag that you didn't hear a single thing.

Not that I have any suggestions on how to be "more aware" when you are sleeping, and not that I myself would have heard it either... but just kind of sucks that now you know you might not hear quite a commotion in your house!

Bud Helms

Senior Member
That is funny. I've noticed the last few years that I don't sleep as light as I once did. When I sleep it is a hard, deep sleep. So, ... since I'm 'out of the game' (so to speak) when I sleep, I quit leaving the .44 on the night stand. I put in the drawer these days.

Uncle Billy

New member
I can sleep through familiar sounds if they aren't too loud like the AC in my bedroom or the neighbors calling their dogs in, but an unfamiliar noise from outside, or any noise in the house brings me to full awake in a jiffy. A loud thump one night in the wee hours had me downstairs with my Walther, but it was just that one of the weights in my grandfather clock had come loose and fell inside the clock cabinet. I didn't shoot the clock. I run my 2 cats off to the basement so they don't prowl the place and get into noise-producing mischief, which always woke me up. Speaking of my cats- they found a cache of 12 gauge trap wads somewhere in the basement, and every once in a while leave one or two on my chair in the living room. I have no idea where they found the wads or why they're interested in them; the box I keep them in is tightly closed.

I heard all the sounds of a bar fight that ended in a shooting with one dead one night, from a bar that's a mile away in a straight line but a few miles on the ground. The crowd noise first woke me up; I was ready to ignore it until a few shots went off, the crowd noise became harder and more anxious, then the sirens. Didn't sleep the rest of the night, making defense plans for the place.
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New member
I honestly expect that the commotion wasn't as loud outside the bedroom as he thinks it was. A set of photo mats in a box isn't really heavy, and the sound of the bottles jingling around through two doors and down a hallway probably ended up loosing a lot of sound...

But I am a very heavy sleeper, for the most part. That is the #1 reason my bedroom door is locked. I simply hope that if there is an attack and the BG wants in my room, he'll make a hell of a lot of noise while attempting to do so.

It's another story, but I know from direct experience that a commotion against or near my bedroom door will wake me up and inspire a full response.