funny/crazy uses for big calibers.


New member
we all know somebody that uses a Little too much gun than they need. just wanted to hear some of your guys storys. one of mine involves a local doctor. he use to use his .50 bmg (out of the second storie of his house) to shoot squirrels in his walnut orchard. i watched with binoculars and you couldn't tell it he actually hit them there was so much dust. walking threw his orchard it looked like a mine field, there were holes every where.


New member
I used to hunt with a bunch of guys that every year would organize a "Big Bore Bunny Shoot". Nothing 30 cal or smaller allowed. There were an awful lot of old BP cartridge guns out on those days, but there were also the guys who showed up with 375 H&Hs, 444 Marlins, 458 Win Mags, and Paradox guns. I used to shoot my 1871 Mauser in 11mm Mauser or 98 in 8mm Mauser. We had a guy show up one time with a 400 Nitro Express (don't remember which one), and another guy who showed up with a 475. A direct hit from any of those just chunks a jackrabbit!

My not-so-funny overkill story is about an acquaintance who bought a 300 WinMag for hunting deer in California. Blacktail the size of a German shepherd and he shows up with enough firepower to kill a grizzly! He shot a little buck at about 100 yards, hit it high in the chest in the spine and literally tore it in two! Just a piece of skin and the sternum holding the two pieces together! We razzed him about that for a loooong time!


New member
Before I got rid of my .300 Win, I used to reload 130 gr. ballistic tips and blast coyotes. Can you say splat???:eek: The close in shots were really cool. :D :D :D


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I used a 7mm rem mag to take care of a leaky propane can at the end of a hunting trip once.....




New member
I bet the propane tank put on a good show. I've always wanted to start a small fire in front of one and sling lead at it from say, 200 yards and watch it go BANG...:eek: I never have done it, but I bet it would be really neat...:rolleyes:


New member
Come to think of it, I shot a turkey last deer season w/ my 300 win mag. 40 yds, hit it right where the neck met the body. Didn't ruin the breast or the beard. It was all I had w/ me.


New member

The rush of propane smothered the fire - no fireball.

The can did go 50-70 into the air though (aim low).




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About the only incident that comes to mind is when, several years ago, while looking out my 2nd floor window, i saw a pesky grounghog that i had been trying to apprehend was grazing down below on my grass. Looking for my trusty 22 BA with HP's, was nowhere to be found....Reached into my closet where i had my TC in 30-30 stored and loaded up......about 25 yards away. Instant body deflation..!! BUT, my biggest surprise came when i went out with a shovel to remove the remains......The only recognizeable part was the head with everything else a pile of my amazement, when i put my shovel under its head to scoop up, it actually BIT my shovel !!!! :eek:
Not really a large caliber, but definitely too large for the job....
I used to hunt many years ago, with my wifes dad ( an avid collector ), & his hunting buddy's... ( he claimed the wife of the people who owned the land we were hunting on, was his "faithfull hunting guide" )... as a party hunt, she shot usually 3/4 of the deer... most everyone used a 30-06, I used a 45-70 lever Marlin... her husband a 300 win mag ( which I thought my 45-70 might have been over kill )...

... but I've got A short story I'll share... kinda involves "too much gun" ... "too late"...

...well it was about mid week of hunting season, & Bobby ( father in laws faithful hunting guide ) had shot most of the deer, just like she usually did... I think there were a few doe permits left, & I hadn't shot a deer, for any of the 3-4 years I'd been going up there... we always filled out, but being one of the younger hunters, I took it upon my self to do a drive ( try to move the deer around out of the thick stuff ), usually about an hour before we went in at noon, & an hour before dusk... so consiquently, I hadn't ever had the oportunity to shoot one, & this year I was hunting hard... I really really wanted to shoot my 1st deer up there...

I was stand hunting, dressed in my blaze orange coveralls, cold weather boots ( there was 6-8 inches of snow on the ground ), & had my ( lucky ??? ) orange "Mad Bomber" hat on... I was trying a new doe in heat cover scent, & hadn't seen anything all morning... after going in for lunch, we headed back out about 1:00pm... an hour or so later... I was fighting the ZZZ's, while sitting in my stand... I was posted in a stand that like the others, all were built on the bull dozed fire break on this very large oak forest... I was munching away on an apple, trying to stay awake, like I often did, typically throwing out the apple cores to the large grey squirrels that seemed to follow me around annoying me... as I sat there in my quiet solitude, all of asudden there was a huge ruckus... I looked down the fire break, to see one lone grey squirrel, dead in his tracks on the forest floor, in the middle of the fire break, looking up, right at me & chewing me out very loudly & with great passion... well I was annoyed, taking turns "scoping" him out through the rifle scope... his rattlings seemed to go on for all of 10 minutes... by this time I'm thouroughly annoyed, when all of a sudden he jumps into the tree directly across from me on the fire break & rips up the trunk, dead level with me across the break... chattering away feverously... at this point I'm serously thinking about popping him with a 45 caliber bullet... when he suddenly races to the top of the tree, jumps into the tree I'm in, & rips down the trunk of the tree towards me... well at this point... I'm in shock... the thing surely must be rabid... I'm standing there, I'm sure with my jaw agape, when I realize he's not going to stop... in a flash, my hand feels the familiar curves of my trusty GP-100 in the holster at my waist... the "mad squirrel" at this point is just a few feet above me, & the rifle is as useless as a tennis racket at that point... I pointed the revolver skyward, just as the squirrel leaps from the trunk of the tree towards my head... I squeezed the trigger just as the barrel hit the "little beast" in the chest, & a loud boom echoed forth... along with a huge cloud of "stuffins", spraying in all directions...

... as I sat there shaking, I couldn't believe what had just happened... maybe the doe in heat smell, made the "little guy" think the grey patch of rabbit fur on the brim of my hat was a stinky little female??? maybe he thought it was another squirrel after his stash of nuts ??? maybe he really was rabid ???

... no matter what, I didn't want him on my head fighting or "loving" me...

... I learned something that day though... if you are hunting squirrels for anything other than tails... a 125 grain hydroshock hollow point out of a 357 mag at close range... it may be just maybe a bit too much gun...:cool:


New member
Magnum, that is quite possibly the funniest post I've ever read here. Picturing somone unloading a .357 into a squirrel during mid-flight had me rolling.
Thanks for the good read.


New member
When I was akid we hunted woodchucks, in the fields surrounding our neighbor hood (Semi-rural)...The farmars appreciated it. Started with a .22, but often these weren't immediately fatal (even witha high-velocity hollowpoint through the chest--and we could usually walk up to without 30-40 yards. These were BIG chucks, too)

So, having read WAY too much Jack O'Connor, my first centerfire was a .270. Finally got a shot at a chuck (WAY out there), and actually hit it (about 250 yrds, paced---lucky shot of the century). Using a 110 grn. bullet it pretty much cut the chuck in half.


New member
i think i have the luckiest shot of the century story. i know that this was extremely unsafe but i can look back at it and laugh now. two of my freinds and i were hunting rabbits and squirrels in a almond orchard near my house. one friend and i are in the back of a truck while the other was driving. i see a rabbit running along side the truck 250 yard away. i tell the guy driving to keep it steady because i was going to take a shot. so im laying on the tool box and i have the rascally rabbit it the cross hairs of my 22-250. when i shot the guy driving slammed on the brakes and threw the two of us into the back window. he didn't hear my instructions because of the blaring rap music. but i found the rabbit shot in the head. that will always be my luckiest shot


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double post number 3:mad: better not wast it heres a pic of my colt


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Big Mac

New member
Probably out of place here since this is a rifle board but what about a 12-gauge 1 oz. slug on a squirrel? That or 00 Buck. Now talk about a pink and red mist.

Anthony Terry

New member
I use my 7mm saum to shoot groundhogs (wood chucks) and it makes a mess! You can see a huge red mist blow out of them when it hits. This is with 150gr swift scirocco bullets. I always hit them with headshots and it's just sickening when you walk up to see them. :barf:


New member
Ive shot a wild cat with my 338 wm at 25 yards riped it in half and made it do back flips:D come to think of it ive killed a cat with every gun but two. my 30-06 and my 303 savage. since i dont shoot the savage the 30-06 is due.:D ive also shot one with my gold in mid air with a 3 1/2" #6's, it spun so much i thought it was a orange helicopter.


New member
I used my 270Win with 130 grain Speer HotCore on a cottontail wabbit. The place was in Utah on a road towards Dugway and it's right after deer season where the rabbits don't behave as they are suppose to. We were perched on top of a rock and had a very nice view of our surrounding. We scoped with 7 and 8x binoculars and then identify the target with a 45x spotting scope. With not much experience with our ranging skills we estimated the range to be in the 400 yards (if I remember correctly) on a cottontail and proceeded to take aim with our high powered rifles. I shot first and the aim was low in which the bullets hit the rocks right below the rabbit and acted like grenade sharpnells. Not a pretty picture just shredded meat everywhere. josh