Funds For The Federal Police!!!!!!!!!!!


The Disturbing Trend Toward Federal Police
by Congressman Ron Paul

The House of Representatives recently approved a mas-
sive appropriations bill that will fund various Treasury
Department agencies at record spending levels. The bill
appropriates nearly 30 billion dollars, an increase over
last year's already huge Treasury budget. More disturbing,
however, is the whopping 23% increase in funding for the
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) contained in
the Treasury bill.

ATF gets more than $730 million dollars for fiscal year
2001, an increase of $166 million over its 2000 budget. Why
the increase? The administration wants the agency to hire
600 new federal police officers to enforce ever-expanding
gun laws. Never mind the obvious failures of gun control
legislation and the clear Second Amendment prohibition
against such laws. The politicians in Washington are deter-
mined to slowly abolish gun rights, and they are determined
to use federal police to accomplish the task.

The American public gradually has become aware of the
disturbing trend toward federal policing of our nation.
Many Americans do not support ATF, especially after the
disastrous events at Waco. I was widely attacked in the
media and by members of Congress for questioning the gover-
nment's actions at Waco, and for merely suggesting that many
Americans were concerned by the possibility of federal
agents taking violent action against American citizens. Now
we have Congress spending more money to increase the budget
for ATF, despite its highly questionable actions and the
resulting public mistrust of the agency.

It is important to recognize that our federal constitu-
tion lists only three federal crimes, namely counterfeiting,
treason, and piracy on the high seas. The founding fathers
never envisioned a federal police force, knowing that such a
force would trample on the right of each state to enact and
enforce its own criminal laws. Hence there is no provision
for the creation of a general federal police force in the
enumeration of congressional powers. Furthermore, the 10th
amendment explicitly reserves the general police power to
the states individually. Washington politicians, however,
have no interest in constitutional limitations when they
seek to expand and consolidate their power by federalizing
whole areas of criminal activity. They have consistently
expanded federal criminal laws, particularly in the areas of
drugs and firearms. The result of this expansion is the
inevitable call for more federal police to enforce the new
laws. We are told we need more ATF agents to monitor fire-
arms, and more DEA agents to wage the "war on drugs." Con-
gress is not concerned with its lack of constitutional
authority to create, much less expand a national police

Washington politicians have successfully used recent
excessive-force allegations against local police to further
their goals. It is convenient to portray local police as
violent or racist, and therefore in need of federal over-
sight and restraint. The question, however, is whether we
should trust a federal police force more than we trust our
own local authorities. I believe there is a growing recog-
nition that our founding fathers were correct when they
prohibited federal government involvement in law enforce-
ment. In Waco, Americans had a vivid example of the impact
of the growing police state. With the veneer being stripped
from the myth of federal law enforcement, our citizens are
beginning to realize that it is both unconstitutional and

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New member
Unbelievable Consequences of the P C movement

Story; true, An elderly cancer patient riding a NYC subway was beaten nearly to death, and robbed.

The perp, was trying to make good his escape, when a transit cop caught up to him, and when he didn't halt, was shot.

The felon, was crippled for life.............

Civil case takes NYC transit to court, mugger, proceeds to get a 2.5 million dollar judgement.

Never goes to jail, never serves ONE day.

The elderly cancer patient, meanwhile has to bear the burden of not only having to battle cancer, but has to pay the hospital bills for the beating injuies.

This, my dear friends, is what PC has brought to this country.............

The mugger/thief wasn't to blame for his ways, it was his enviormental upbringing..........

Meanwhile, an old cancer ridden innocent is left with thousands of dollars of medical bills.

This is what the Left wing of the Democratic party has wrought upon this country.

If it feels good do it, I'm not responsible, win at all cost's, even if you have cheat, lie, and steal.

Hundreds of thousands, upon thousands of acres of PUBLIC lands stolen from the American citizenry, all in the name of "Conservation".

Socialism to the Nth degree.............

NOW is the time to turn this ship around, before she's grounded............

I for one, NO matter the winner of this debacle of an election, will ever again take a back seat, with mouth closed, in silent acceptance to/ for any abuses of any kind that infringe upon our constitutional ,GOD given rights, as American citizens.

My line in the sand has been drawn...........I hope and pray, each one of you all will NEVER again be silent.

If after the past eight years, I have learned ANYTHING, it's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease, I plan on being a Major squeak..........I for one, will never forget the past eight years, and what it has done to MY country.
It's YOURS too.

I contributed more than a few bucks to Mr. Paul's re-election campaign.

Wherever you see another like minded soul, willing to put it on the line, I adjure you to support them also.

After it's all said and done, who have WE got?, except EACH other...........:)


New member
God bless Dr. Paul. By the way, he won reelection in his district by 20% of the vote although he had half the money of his challenger. Drink another Shiner, 'cause it's the good people of Shiner who helped him win.


New member
Ron Paul

I have had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with Ron Paul on several occasions. He is a man of his word and stands up on important issues, especially those dealing with firearms. He is an outstanding individual in the battle to preserve the Second Amendment as well as other important “government intrusion” issues. I regularly send funds to support his activities, although he is not my congressional representative.
