Fundraising Call from RNC (long)


New member
I received a fundraising call last night from the Republican National Committee. The woman on the other end asked a few pointed questions, and then informed me that Clinton/Gore were raising taxes, hurting the military, etc. (Like I didn't know!) She then asked if I supported the 2nd Amendment (YES) and detailed some of the plans Gore has for us.

After this, she said to stop Gore, there were various levels of membership in the RNC that were available at different $$$ levels of support, and which would I like?

My answer was that while I can, and do, donate to SPECIFIC Republican candidates, there was NO WAY that I would donate to the party at large, as too many alleged Rebublicans seem to be Democratic fellow travelers, especially as far as Second Amendment rights are concerned. I mentioned Gov. Pataki, who just signed an anti-gun bill in New York, and Jim Ramstead from Minnesota, who voted for Clinton's crime bill. I wouldn't want so much as a single penny going to such democrats-in-republican-clothing.

The lady courteously thanked me for my time and support, and said she hoped she could count on my vote for GWB. I replied sure - as long as he didn't move to the left.

Since she didn't seem surprised at my answers, I asked if anyone else had said the same - she answered "a few." So, has anyone else received similar calls, and if so, how did you handle them?


New member
Yes, I received a similar call several weeks ago. The guy on the phone asked me if I was aware of what Austalia did in rounding up firearms. I replied "Yes". He then asked if I was aware that US Marines had participated in helping to round up firearms in Australia. I replied "No". Did that happen? Anyone have any info about that.

I also told them that I was supporting local progun candidates, and could not support national weak kneed republicans like Chaffee, Lott, Hyde, etc. He said thanks and goodbye.


New member
The problem isn't funds. The Repubs are doing as well as the Dems.

The problem is the campaign. Unless/until Bush starts hitting Gore hard on the too many to mention idiocies of the Dems, he will continue to slip in the polls.

Question to all: WHY are the Repubs incompetent when it comes to using issues in a campaign??

Question: WHAT will we do if Gore wins the presidency?

Question: WHY do America's 26,000,000 hunters refuse to vote? Are they REALLY so stupid they don't think their hunting rifles are next to go?

Question: WHY do America's 56,000,000 sport shooters and CCWs go into the voting booth, go glassy-eyed, start to drool, and pull the Democratic lever "because the Democrats are for the working man"? Are our sport shooters and CCWs REALLY that stupid?

Gun owners could RUN this country if we voted as a block.

But we won't. We're too damn stupid..

There are SO MANY great ads that could be run.

We see a newscast from the year 2003: "Today, President Gore nominated Jesse Jackson to be an associate justice of the US Supreme Court. If confirmed, he would join Hillary Clinton and Andrew Cuomo as the third pick by Gore..."

I wake up screaming...

Jack 99

New member
Next time they call just ask a few pointed questions of your own.

Where in the Republican platform is the repeal of the unlawful income tax?

Where in the platform will I find the resolution to A) pass no more gun control laws and B) repeal those in place?

.....I could go on and on.

(or just tell them you've switched to Libertarian)


New member
I got a call but haven't mentioned it until now . The fella on the other end sounded like he was on speed . He called Feinstein a problem along with Boxer . So far we are best friends . Now it gets dicey .
He asked if I had gotten the letter from the GOP asking for $$$$$. I said no . He said I would soon get one . I said I would read it and act accordingly . NOW he says there's no time to wait . He needs a promise of some money RIGHT NOW!!!! I could send more later when I read the letter but we gotta make a deal NOW!!!!
I'm thinking he wants a Mastercard # or something and that ain't gonna happen so I say again that I will read the letter and act accordingly . He is insistant on money now . I hung up on him .
The strange part ? I never got a letter . Methinks a scam is afoot .



New member
Paratrooper: You could be right about a scam. One should NEVER NEVER NEVER give a credit card number to someone who calls YOU, no matter how plausible they sound.

Woodit: Your question about why Repubs run incompetent campaigns is legit. If I were GWB's campaign manager, I'd find out which senior staffers worked for Dole or GHB and fire them - keep them as far away as possible. Call me paranoid, but I'm convinced at least some were Democrat moles.

There's a reason why Repubs are sometimes called "The Stupid Party." Look at the Contract With America. Media hated it, Dems spewed venom at it, and the Repubs WON 54 seats in the House based on it!

So what do they do? Start backtracking. And losing. So they backtrack some more. And lose even more seats.

Stupid party for sure.