Function-testing our P32s

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Runt and I sent our P32s in for repair. Got replacement guns (with a new magazine apiece) instead. Tried them last weekend.

I noticed slightly stronger recoil spring, the rest of the design seems to be the same. The quality of manufacturing looks much better than our early examples;
- plastic frame is smooth, shows no moulding flash or loose fibers
- extractors are smooth, rather than rough
- feed ramp looks polished

Fired about 60 rounds (mostly ball, some JHP) from each gun, no malfunctions. Magazines seat easier than in my old example. I am satisfied and will carry mine as a backup. I think KT finally got their production problems figured out.

Jody Hudson

New member

Your experience is akin to mine. My old Keltecs were POS and I got rid of them. I tried again a few months ago and my new Keltec P-32 and my new P-11 are wonderful, reliable, accurate, and I love them. The old ones that you had are probably where mine should have gone... into a dumpster. My current ones are AWESOME.