Fun stuff


New member
Responsible firearms ownership includes fun.

We all know about safety, introducing new shooters, and reactive targets.

Now I hang with a tight knit bunch and this includes kids.

Kids are the ones that set out a Jelly Bean I cannot see way down range, much less hit with NAA Mini Revolver, still lots of fun , especially with CB longs watching the bullet going downrange.

Clay targets: I pulled a old deal from shotgunning for the kids.
Now understand I am still a big kid myself and "we" kids have to stick together.

Take a metal trash can lid and spray paint it orange.
We did this for folks to sign names after shotgun league shoots.
Something else to clutter the clubhouse with.

Now I know and you know the J frame is NOT the gun to start a new shooter with, just kids have small hands, and with the Speer Plastic Training Bullets, the kids can shoot these and busting the White Flyer Clay targets are a lot of fun.

With assistance (depends on kids age) they shoot the NAA Mini Revolver too.

Will you give me dollar for every hit I make on a Orange Target downrange ? - the kids asked adults.

Sure - replied these easy marks.

Boy! Adults get real big eyes when they see a Orange Target the size of a trash can lid, instead the usual 4" clay target!
They tend to put hands on wallets/ purses and give one particular "bigger kid" a certain look.

There are five rounds in both the NAA and the J frame.

Kids, this is an easy $10.

You are quite welcome.

Adopted Uncle Steve

I like to use full cheap cans of pop or old skunky full beer cans, for new shooters... they litterally explode when hit with a 22... you can drink the soda 1st, then refill with water, & they still "bust" pretty good, but a sealed pop can just explodes in a way that small kids get the biggest kick out of...


One recommendation on the full pop cans--go diet. The resulting explosion is still satisfyingly messy but it's not sticky. ;)


New member
Speaking of "cleaning" ...

We cheat. :)

We use Tarps for not only ease of policing of spent casings and hulls, also for targets.
Heck, we set a tarp under the "fence post" where we shoot tin cans.
Hard to beat tin cans off a "fence post".

Range Rat
is this "wagon". Looks like something someone on a bad acid trip painted in the '70's. Yes, it does show under blacklight.

We use Range Rat for toting to and fro, everything, including trash.

Alice's Restaurant is the Official clean up song. :)
Sometimes we get a bit "distracted" cutting up with the Song being played and ...
did I mention we have fun with all this?

I didn't getting nothing, I had to pay $50 and go pick up the trash


New member

Tom T. Hall's fault.

We have the old Volleyball poles set in old tires with cement, another place has a clothesline set up.

We set up various targets, and afix to they can be pulled along a wire.
We attach fishing line, and using a simple rod and reel, wrap the line another pole or something so from back near the shooters, we can reel the targets along.

We fight over who gets to play with the fishing pole. *grin*


Those long balloons. We got this hair-brained idea to make a really really long snake, and shoot the balloons as they "sneaked" along the wire.

The little kids thought us bigger kids were just too cool dreaming this idea up.

We figured this out, and I am not real sure why the round balloons got added, but the kids did remind us "snakes do not have ears".
I will leave the innuendo's the bigger female kids were snickering about.

We make up these 3 feet long snakes, with "ears" and "sneak it along at a pretty good speed. Some Fun!

Then...not sure what happened...
Put it this way, we had a Snake...15 steps long (about 15 yards ) and...we set it out and everybody lined up, buddy system with kids of course.
It looked like a shoot 'em up from The Wild Bunch or Young Guns , .22 rim-fires just a blaring!


New member

We are at the private range and one of the Grandpa's and grandkids arre going to join us later.
Grandma had sent grandpa to get himself some new tennis shoes.
Grandkid, is not stupid, she knows if "I'll go with Grandpa to make sure his toes fit right in the end" , she is going to work him for something and he will give in.

Grandpa being wrapped around her little finger is an understatement.

Shoes were bought and then running by a grocery store for water, ice and some other stuff for the range "Grandpa, I have never had a Piñata before".

This sucker is almost 5 feet tall! $16.95, and one mom is on tip toes as she is only 5'2 her self and she felt sorta smug being able to be taller than a Pinata.

String this this up and we have some wooden dowels (broom/mop handles).

Game was, Vienna Sausage cans set out, a bit further than normal skill level, and numbered kids had to hit a can, to get a number of turn.

Trust me, a kid will hunker down, get focused on a kids .22 rifle.
Serious competition.
Littler kids we did a big coffee, or paint can.

All the kids support and help one another. A Roar went up when the 3 year old being helped, shot her paint can.

Kids shot really well, and were great sports with this Pinata.
The three year old had a "knack to whack"...she was so cute.

When Grandpa pulled up with this thing...and it was a funny sight to see.

We shoot index cards/playing card, to see where we go to eat, and all sorts of fun games.
Heck we adults have more fun than the kids.

Mom's are funny - "Come on baby, Momma wants cheese dip, nail that Ace of Diamonds"