Full Moon Clips and the 686.


New member
Carrying one of these suckers at work is a pain, but I think it's better to bang it up than my 1911. Anyhow, lately I've thought about faster reloads than what the company thinks I should have and was wanting to get some clips.

Problem is, I don't see that there is room for a full moon clip. I could be wrong....probably am.

Also, what type of speed loader is best? A few of the guys have the short kind with the tiny knob, but that tiny knob seems to be a hindrance when fine motor skills have degraded due to stress. I did see one type somewhere that seemed to operate on a plunger action. It measured about 3" long and looked more easily handled than the small gear.

Anyhow, whatcha think?


New member
That sucks.

The chances of my company authorizing machining of a service revolver are slim beyond calculation.

I was hoping for some good news, but I guess I'll have to see about qualifying with my 1911.....sure hate to get that thing scratched!


New member
The Safariland comp I and II are the fastest of the common speedloaders. The Dade and the newer spring loaded ones are a bit faster but less secure and much more expensive, respectively.
Try a Model 25, 625 et al. The full moon clips are the fastest revolver reload around.