Full holster


New member
Do any of you have a recomendation for a full flap holster? I am looking for a holster to protect a Beretta 92 and/or Para-Ordance 14-45 while traveling. My job requires me, at times, to drive around the South-East. I would like to have a pistol in the passenger seat. A covered holster allows me to keep it open (and covered by a jacket) in case I need to use it, while closing it for storage and maximum protection.
The material of the holster does not matter, leather or nylon. A built in magazine pouch would also be a good thing.


New member
I have two that I got from Kramer Leather a few years ago. One fits my 92 or a 1911 very well, and the other was built for a Vaquero. They are both full coverage, with closed muzzle, leather tie downs, and have held up very well. They can snap on and off the belt, and with the snaps placed behind the belt, between the belt and the body, I have yet to have one come un snapped.

I have no idea if they still make them or not.


New member
bianchi um84 is sturdy and cheap, as well as being designed from the outset for the beretta. the interior foam padding would most likely also conform to the para


New member
You need to check the laws in the states where you are traveling. Carry on the seat beside you is legal in some and illegal in others. If you have a CWP, You can leagally carry in virtually any mode you wish in the state for which the CWP is valid. I recommend that you visit www.packing.org for a good summary of laws by state.