Fubar Email I just received


New member
Just got this a while ago:

From: "No Name" <mutant@mutant1101.2ndmail.com> | Block Address | Add to Address Book
To: jdlawhon@yahoo.com
Subject: bad people

all of you republican suporters are guilty of treason tyrany murder and crimes against
humanity(what little still exist).thats my freedom of speech.email me back if you have any way to defend these charges... heres some examples...just a few...
•INS,everytime a republican is in office they make it harder for a husband and wife and/or engaged couple to be together
•the mixture of church and state,funding for religious orginizations,legaly discouraging
abortion,its ok to discourage it but..not legaly if based on religious views
•setting up the votes,purpusly miscounting,altering,refusing to count at all,and dead people voting .. while not condemned in the constitution..no (extreemly commie)
•martial law...what this does is put constutional amendment rites on hold .georgie bush used this before
•attempted destruction of your favorite 2nd amendment

theres many more but if i dont have time to tell u them all...

No Name
e-mail: mutant@mutant1101.2ndmail.com

The most personalized email addresses available! at: http://www.2ndmail.com

First of all, this person has the grammatical correctness of a chimpanzee. I'm very tempted to reply, but what with all the hackers that have been floating around lately, I'm hesitant.

Just thought I'd see if anyone else has received anything from Mr/Ms No Name...
Just remind him that the all-out escalation of the Vietnam War was brought to you by a liberal president.

As Gorthuar has noted, Bush is calling for relaxed immigration rules, rules that were written under both Republican and Democratic presidents.

Also remind him that Democratic "reforms" in education have made him functionally illiterate.

Also remind him that the Constitution specifically prevents the Gov't from establishing a STATE religion. It doesn't prevent the Gov't from supporting ALL religions (even athiesm qualifies as a religion, go figure) equally.

Just what does he deem to be Martial Law, and where has the Federal Gov't established Martial Law recently?

Also remind him that his apparent favorite ex-President was the one who was selling access to the White House to the Chinese.

Now THAT is coming perilously close to treason, folks.


New member
Here's a start:

Dear Ms. No Name:

If you insist on engaging in an email debate regarding American politics, I highly suggest that you consider first mastering the English language. Proper spelling and grammatical correctness go a long way towards one's credibility.

Regarding your statement painting me as a Republican supporter, I must confess that I voted for the lesser of two evils this time around. Ideally, I'd love to see a Libertarian in office, but although I did not vote for one, I at least voted for Alan Keyes - quite possibly the most conservative candidate in the 2000 Presidential election - in the Primary election this time around.

If you're familiar with the Libertarian party platform, you'd realize that they believe in open borders, so that would possibly alleviate some of your concerns about the treatment of immigrants in our country. Just remember, though, that those immigrants can kiss government financial aid goodbye, as the Libertarians wouldn't stand for it.

And speaking of immigration, check out the following link for information regarding Bush's feelings on it:


But of course, he is a Republicrat quoting lines that his script writer sends him, so he's most likely just telling folks what the want to hear.

Regarding our Second Amendment - They can destroy it all they want. That would not change the fact that my right to defend myself from evil is inalienable (ie: God-given, acquired at birth, etc). The U.S. Constitution is simply a written record advising our so-called leaders not overstep their bounds, or they shall answer to us, the U.S. citizenship, thus the 2nd Amendment clause.

And please refresh my memory. When, exactly, did "Georgie" (sic) Bush put our "Constutional" (sic) "rites" (sic) on hold by imposing Martial Law (at least you spelled that one correctly)?

Ms. No Name, if you do not have the cojones to use your real name, a respectable alias, or at least a legitimate email address, and if you do not "have the time to tell u them all," I highly recommend that you stay out of the field of political debate.

Once you've reviewed you basic grammar rules, gather up a solid argument and get back to me when you graduate high school.

Respectfully yours (not really),

J.D. Lawhon

P.S. - You're correct. You excercised your First Amendment right (assuming you're a U.S. citizen). I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
NoName is worried about martial law under Bush?

Gee, about the closest we've come to that was under Klinton & his strong arm Janet "no prisoners" Reno.


New member
Sheesh. Can you just imagine if the drafters of the Declaration of Independence were as dumb as these gifted Internet orators?

"Wen in the corse a humin events necessaryone people dis-solv the politikal bands connekted them at another and to assume among the powers of the Erth sepprate ekwal stashun...."


New member
You must be hanging about those socialist democRat sites again, for her to get your email

Either that, or he/she ran across one of my two websites, my profile at GlockTalk, AR15.com, Ruger Forum, or the Nissan Exterra board where some of us TFLers kinda got involved in a little debate a short time back...


New member
"all of you republican suporters are guilty of treason tyrany murder and crimes against humanity(what little still exist)."

Well, here I am, come and get me.

I'll be sure to use more humane FMJ ball.

Jeff Thomas

New member
Don't waste your time. Your brain probably excites more electrons in a nanosecond than this character does all week.

I think the "5 Minute Handbook" in the TFL library applies ... spend that time on helping a fencesitter understand the RKBA, teaching a new shooter, writing a letter to the editor, etc.

The world is full of bozos, and some get elected ... ;)

Regards from AZ