FTF problem on my Colt 380

RH Factor

New member
I need some help....I took my Colt Gov't mark 4 380 to the range last night. and had constint FTF problems with it. BUT, when I put only 3 or 4 rounds in the mag. I had no problem. My guess is the mag spring....what do you think.
Also...I need another mag for it, but all I ever see on gun broker and such, are mags for ponys and mustangs, that are only 6 round...where can I get new mags for my Gov't model. thanks


New member
I was able to find several mags for my Gov't 380 on ebay fairly cheap. Be Patient they will show up.

Check Gunbroker.com and auctionarms.com also.

I think you are probably correct in your diagnosis of the problem. I haven't had any problems with my 380 but have had similar problems with my full size 1911's. Replaceing the sping or the mag entirely usually works.

Good luck.

RH Factor

New member
UPDATE...I just got my wolff spring pack

Well on the advice of many, I called Wolff springs and ordered a complete spring pack...figured I'd just change them all. Cost me $18 plus $3.50 shipping and got them in 3 days. First to change was the mag spring....WOW..big difference in the length when I put them side by side....figure that must have been the big FTF problem. Then went ahead and switched out all the rest, except the spring in the trigger assembly and the firing pin lock spring..don't have a pin pusher and didn't want to remove the rear sight to get to the other. The gun feels much tighter, if you know what I mean...eager to get to the range this week. Keep 'ya posted.