Ft Collins CO paper publishes CCW holder names

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Member In Memoriam
E-mail to me this AM ...

"Today's Fort Collins Coloradoan newspaper published the names of the 607
Larimer County concealed permit holders. Including, my 21 year old son. They report the "need to know" of the public, as the compelling purpose for the names being published. Well folks, then we need letters demanding every DUI recipient be published. Drunks kill more people every day than all gunowners or permit holders for that matter. We need some righteous indignation. Dave
Greiling the editor, should be investigated through CBI to determine he is not an DUI offender.

Today's paper had an anti gun message in every section, other than sports. The cry is to defeat the Chlouber bill on CCW privacy and to resurrect the "gun show loophole bill" by initiative. Tom Mauser, Ken Gordon, Bill Owens are all quoted in concert for more gun laws to "save our children." Fine
company for a Republican Governor huh? Get a letter off to the paper ,,,, tell your friends,,, the line has been drawn in the sand and they have stepped over it.

See you all in Fort Morgan Monday night, 6:00PM Quality INN, to tell Owens
how we feel."


Member In Memoriam
Welp, Rob's got same deal going in General.

Mods - delete mine if you wish or ? whichever, for full coverage in one topic.


New member
It would be interesting to see if the home burglary rate for the names shamefully published increases or decreases in the next few months. After all, the BGs now have a ready-made list of homes with a valuable, very re-sellable commodity: handguns. On the other hand, they know the owners of these handguns have a better-than-normal ability to protect their homes. I'd bet the rate will not increase.

John Marshall

New member
The paper has, in effect, done just what you suggest. By publishing the names of those citizens who own and carry handguns (and by inference are willing to use them properly) the list you suggest has been implicitly published.

BTW, here in Oregon it is stictly illegal to make the names of CHL holders public.

If you're not a little upset with the way the world is going, you're not paying attention.


Moderator Emeritus
Thread also in Gen'l forum...more responses there so this is closed at request of Labgrade
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