Front Strap Checkering - 20 lpi or 30 lpi?


New member
I intend to have the front strap of my Kahr MK9 checkered but cannot figure out what difference would it make between 20 lpi and 30 lpi. Is the difference in grip and traction that much noticable between the two or is it purely cosmetic?


New member
20 is definitely more abrasive on clothes and leather, and some claim hard on the hands, although I do not see it except during training classes, in which case I tape my fingers anyway. Also, 20 requires more front strap (or wherever) material due to the depth of the cuts.

I have both, and both work well, but I prefer the 20 myself.


Jim Watson

New member
I have one each, both feel pretty rough on my desk engineer's hands. So I had FLG flatten the tops of the diamonds, by about 1/3 of their height. Still plenty of traction, but not as abrasive. I would go with 30 on a small gun like the K9.


New member
I prefer 30 lpi and have in on my Kahr MK9 and K40 Covert. Also done to the Walther PPK, TPH (front and back), SIG P220, P245, and the Colt Mustang Pocketlite is having it done to both the front and backstraps. I have a 20 lpi plate added to the front of my BHP and would much prefer if the front and backstraps were done in 40 lpi.


New member
25 or 30 lpi are best

25 looks good, works well, and is my favorite

20 is too sharp

30 doesn't look as good and is more delicate, but works well



New member
I started with 20 but changed to 30 later as 20's are too sharp for extended use.

These days I just use a piece of skateboard tape and use the money saved to buy more primers, powders, bullets, etc. IMHO skateboard tape works just as well and a $5 piece of it will be enough for years. I do admit it is not as pretty but who cares...