From a local forum


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WTS Winchester "AA" Hulls---once fired
sold by the 500ct only---$.08 each ---FTF only
also have WAA12 Wads. I free wad with each hull 'til I run out.
How many thousand do you want ?? Check the prices elsewhere. No tax---No shipping---PM me for pics ---SAWMAN

Is this something to be interested in?


New member
The WAA12 wad is a winchester wad for 1 1/8oz only ...but sometimes people will say its a "WAA12" when its really a clone ...and sometimes the clones don't use the same grade of plastic.

I'm not sure what his designation of "WTS" is ....but as long as they are 2 3/4" you should be fine.

But $ 0.08 each is way too much .... and I don't know what the FTF means either .... personally, I don't like WIN hulls in 12 or 20ga / I prefer Remington STS - (they are much stronger / last a lot longer ). The most I would pay for once fired, that never hit the ground ( I don't want mud and crap all over them ) - so they need to come out of an O/U not a pump or semi-auto ...or stuff he picked up on a range ( that might be once, or 14 times fired...) is $ 0.03 or maybe $ 0.04 each .

New wads are about $ 8 for a bag of 500 so they are only $ 0.016 each

so I'd offer him $ 0.05 each with the wad / maybe $ 0.06 cents ....if he said they were "really once fired" ...and not just picked up from a bunch of shooters off a sporting clays range or something ....

some of the promo WIN hulls / are even less durable than the AA's it depends on what they really are. I wouldn't buy them from someone that didn't have them local / and you couldn't look at them ...there are lots of hulls around if you want to get into reloading...

my club sells certifiable once fired Rem STS hulls for $ 0.05 each ...all the time....and they're significantly better hulls ( I get 15+ reloads out of an STS hull ) ...and I see WIN AA hulls in 12 and 20ga cracking after 4 or 5 reloads sometimes. If they are WIN AA HS hulls - I wouldn't take them if they were free ...

The WIN AA HS hulls have a 2 piece system / and sometimes the lower inner portion migrates upward when the shell was fired ...and they are a pain in the butt, big time, to reload. I'm not up on the latest on WIN hulls / but I think in 12 and 20ga the AA HS hulls take the same wad as the old AA's / but in 28ga or .410 the AA HS hulls take a special HS wad ....

All of which makes reloading WIN hulls to much work / too much aggravation for most of us that reload thousands of these things in a year everyone I know that reloads 12ga - went to Remington STS quite a few years ago ...


Jim - WTS is short for "Want To Sell"

A bag of wads is worth about 10-11 here at wally world - cheaper in bulk on line. IF they are once-fired AA's - .05 to .08 is a fair price


New member
" WTS " ....want to sell :barf:

.... and I can barely use my cell phone either ...

my word if $ 0.08 is fair - he ought to throw in a bag of shot too ....:D / maybe I'm just a cheap old bas----...


New member
I'm curious about the "FTF Only" part.
From our forum's FAQs, FTF - failure to feed/failure to fire
Perhaps it means "first time fired" -- verify, don't assume.


New member
Face-to-Face only ......I hope you're kidding OneOunce ...

(why can't he just say CASH) ! .... :barf: :barf:

the 14 yr olds are going to take over the universe...(and they've already got the malls ) ... us old guys have to ban together and make them speak english ....( at least when they're trying to sell us gun stuff )....

There were a couple of young guys at the gun club yesterday ...and I was happy to invite them over to the Skeet field and give them a few pointers. They didn't want to come out and shoot / they were just shooting Trap ...but we discussed the rules a little. One of them had a spiked Mo-Hawk haircut (about 9" tall) that would rattle in the breeze as his gun recoiled. We teased him about it a little .... and he was pretty cool about it. Nice young guys ...


Jim - reading Brent's copy of the ad, I'm thinking I'm right - since there is no mention of shipping, FTF would mean that scenario.....At least if you did meet him FTF, you could verify the hulls before you bought

C'mon Jim, ask your g'kids about LOL, BFF, HTH, JMO, etc..........:D


New member
The abbreviations on the forums drive me nuts too. I liked to have never figured out what ROTFLMAO stood for.

I got called a "CBH" on another forum and have no idea what it means. Its hard to insult someone when they don't know what the hell you are saying.


New member
Hes selling ftf because he does not want the hassle of shipping and the cost of postage plus the 8 cents makes it less atractive of a deal.