Friends new Sig..which one?


New member
He doesn't own a Sig yet. He is very experienced. He has two or more of all the other brands, but no Sigs. He's leaning toward the P239 .40 cal. Help lure him over. You Sigaholics out there know what I'm talking about. ;)


New member
I own a Sig P-239 in .40S&W, and love it! Tell your friend that he will be very happy with a Sig P-239 or any Sig he may choose.


New member
My one sig (and my one vote) goes to the 229 in .40. Personally, I like the midsized guns (239, 225, 228, 229). I also like double stacks (nix the 239 and 225). When it came down to the 228 and 229, I went with the 229 because I'd rather have 12+1 rounds of .40 than 13+1 rounds of 9mm.


New member
226 fits my hand perfectly. and i don;t have very big hands. handled a 239, was thinking about buying it, but it just didn't feel right. have him handle a bunch of 'em, see which one fits best. he has already made the right choice in considering sigs.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Lots of good post here; but for me the P220 and P228 were excellent choices. I don't believe I could
have made any better choices!:cool: :D :)

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
IMHO, the P239 in 9MM comes as close to being the ultimate CCW weapon as any weapon ever made by anyone, anywhere.

I suppose the same gun in .40 would be an exceptional CCW weapon as well. I personally prefer the 9MM because I can get off more well aimed, accurate shots in a shorter period of time. YRMV.


New member
Ok, now that we have just about covered the entire SIG lineup.....

I guess you could conclude that there really is no wrong decision.

I have a 220, and like I said that would be my choice. I also have a 239 in .40 and it is spectacular.

It all comes down to how it fits your friend, how recoil sensitive they are and how much do they want to spend on practice ammo.

I guess my only real suggestion would be that if they are looking for a 9mm, I would go either 225 or 228 since they are just about perfectly balanced and lighter then the others since they were only made for the 9mm.

Everybody likes the SIG 210 but I have no experience with that one at all.


The 239 is a excellant choice,no question. I have been carrying mine in hot weather for two summers. but it's almost time, to get the 2340 ready for fall/winter duty...;)


New member
I've just bought a P239, tonight I shot it for the first time. :D
Great pistol, accurate as all get out, quick to line up sight picture, recoil mild for such a compact pistol. Mine was shooting perfect POA/POI at 15 yds. All I can ask for with fixed sights. Great trigger in DA and SA. This may be the best out of the box pistol I have ever had!:cool:
I'd advise at least shooting one, it's worth the time to find one.


New member
I love my 225, 226, 2009 and loved my 2340 while I had it, but if I ever had to let them go, my 230 would be the last one out the door. Lots of folk will knock the .380 as too little, but my 230 is SOOOOO accurate it's scary.


New member
IMHO, the P239 in 9MM comes as close to being the ultimate CCW weapon as any weapon ever made by anyone, anywhere

I've got a P239 in .40 and don't agree. It is a fine gun, but for a small belt gun, my Kahr K40 is significantly smaller. My Kimber Compact is just about the same size and I prefer SA and .45 to DA and .40. For pocket carry, I use my MK9.

The P239 is a fine gun for CCW, but not the "ultimate" for me. YMMV.

It's the only Sig that I have, but I sure would like to try a 220, 225, and 226.

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New member
my favorites are the 220 and 226. the 226 fits my hand better, the 220 carries better

my first recommendation for someone new to sigs is always the 225...controllable, compact and accurate as all get out. lots of cheap ones out there too...LE trade-ins?