Friend's kid moved into a new home

chris in va

New member
Can't believe it, but my friend's 21yo daughter just moved into a townhouse she's sharing with a friend. Very proud of her and the career she's pursuing.

We went to visit her new place for the first time. Nice neighborhood, very 'bedroom community' if that's the right term.

So naturally it weighs on me the place has no self defense tools. Case in point, we got locked out as her key didn't work, so her rather buff boyfriend shimmied up the back deck and let us in.

I'm just throwing this out there, don't feel bad if you want to criticize.:D She's been to the range a couple times, very basic stuff. I suspect her liberal arts college has stuffed her head with a few undesireable ideals, but whatever.

So in this situation what would be a good SD long gun that is uber simple to operate? I'm thinking SxS 20ga, doubt she could handle a pump gun under stress. It would also have to be locked up somewhere but deployable/loaded in a rapid manner.

Fire away.:p


Staff In Memoriam
Chris, I am not in the position to suggest a particular weapon... However feel free to use a line to convince her to arm herself that my momma used when she decided that there might be times a normally passive country girl should have a pistol at the ready... When a friend of hers seen the pistol in her purse (no permit in Michigan at the time) asked in shock why she had "that thing", My momma replied "Nobody ever raped a .38."
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How does the friend that she's sharing with, feel about the presence of a firearm?

Are you sold on a long gun? Why not a handgun?

If the above questions are not an issue, I'd go with HogDogs and get a Model 10, 4 ", 38 special.

No better place than secured in the bedroom. Maybe a small, bolted hand safe ; opened with finger code, gun loaded.

A long gun, in untrained hands, can be easily disarmed in close quarters.


New member
.38 with a small grip and a 2" barrel, S&W preferably, beyond simple in operation, otherwise stoeger makes very affordable side by side coachguns in 12 and 20 gauge, all they have is a saftey, and they are hammerless


New member
4" .38 SPL K-frame! I keep a Model 10 next to my bed.

Watch out for those snubbies. They're much harder to shoot effectively.


New member
Heh, reminds me of one of the best "home security tests" I've ever run.
My girlfriend at the time and I had been over home security any number of times and she was convinced that her townhouse was secure. Then one day she locked her keys inside so she calls me at work asking for help.

I told her to get the 12 year old boys next door to let her in.

Sure enough, took the little monkeys about 4 minutes to find a "chink in the armor" and get inside. (Would have taken less time had we been interested in breaking a small window pane)



A friend I ride to work with each night just took his daughter a single barrel 12 ga. with turkey loads and a buttstock ammo holder with spares. She is a single nurse working 12 hr. nights near "Fayettenam", NC. Her stories are scary, and crime is on the rise-even in a military community. Let her decide after your influence of help. Good job.;)



New member
"Just as cars that 'drive themselves' are currently unavailable, guns that are effective in the hands of the untrained and willfully incompetent exist only in the minds of the naive." -- John Farnam



New member
this situation may take more communication and much more time to introduce a firearm into it and that still may not happen.

In the mean time, there should be a softball bat or two and a good set of cutlery handy. Most people who aren't trained with guns or have mixed feelings can still grab a bat or grab a good knife.

I understand that's not ideal for SD but it's better than nothing.


New member
Get her a taser.
+1 If tasers are legal in your state. I am not making any assumptions about your freinds daughter but most 21 year olds I know drink and have freinds over to their new place drinking so you may be in aposition to worry about how responsible her freinds are as well. I would much rather have to worry about an accident happening with a taser instead of a firearm, plus she won't have to be as concerned over when to use it.
I imagine if some drunken fool she goes to class with shows up unwanted and tries to force his way in, it would be much easier for her to muster the confidence to tase him then to shoot him.
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