Frequency of maint. for home defense pistol


New member
Hi guys,

Got a question about the Glock I keep by my bed for home defense. It sits undisturbed and it's not exposed to dust or sunlight. Don't really handle it at all except when it goes to the range with me, and after those trips it gets field stripped and fully cleaned, everytime.

If it sits in it's home for more than "x" amount of days untouched, should it be broken down, cleaned and reoiled? Or should I be able to trust it from the last cleaning?

Thanks for the help. Still learning, obviously, and this forum has been great. Think I've just about worn out the search function though :rolleyes:


New member
If the pistol is in good working condition, I don't see any need to clean it very often under your circumstances.

I'd say 2-3 months, maybe longer. Of course, I hope you are able to get out and shoot it more often than that, so hopefully this is a moot point.


New member
Thanks for the advice.

I try to shoot at least once every two weeks, minimum. But a hand injury has left me unable to shoot for nearly a month already (I fell while hiking and ripped from the middle of my palm to the edge of the pinky side of my hand. Straight to the bone and 11 stitches). I should be ready to rock this upcoming weekend, but I just wanted to check.


New member
You're OK

You are probably shooting, cleaning and inspecting that pistol more frequently than the majority of gun owners. No worries.


New member
I'd recommend RemOil with Teflon. Long after the oil completely evaporates, the Teflon will remain, giving you a reasonable amount of "lubrication".
+1 on the rem oil with teflon. the most ive put through my glock without cleaning was about 750 rounds of nato ball ammo. it wasnt too bad but there was alot fo crud on the trigger components. I usually shoot cast bullets and with them you have to stop and clean every 150-250 rounds.



New member
My home defense pistol rarely gets fired. I do lube it with Break Free, and rotate the magazines, every three months.


New member
Learn to shoot left handed for a while, dont risk your injury. X amount of days should read X amount of years. If your shooting it every two weeks theres nothing to worry about.


New member
My HD pistol is also my primary carry pistol, and gets a lot of attention always. I like my primary defense weapons to be the ones I use the most, am the most comfortable with, and have proven their reliability recently and frequently. Just seems to make the most sense in my book.


New member
My Glock 17 hasn't been cleaned in over 1,000 rounds, and sits ready loaded with Hornady TAP. Doesn't worry me in the least. That gun hasn't jammed a single time in over 10,000 rounds of factory and reloaded rounds. It gets shot atleast once a week; couple hundred rounds at a time.


New member
I too, would recommend keeping your range routine every 2 weeks. Even with the injury you can shoot off handed. This may come in handy if you ever are in a real fight (I hope you never have to be in one). And, you would be suprised at how well you can shoot with your off-hand. It just feels a little weird at first but practice will make you more comfortable with this hand.


New member

I feel your pain. I'm thinking you've not been shooting with that little hiking souvenir because it would have been a bear to rack a slide....

One thing...I'd run a silicone cloth over it every once in awhile if it's left very long outside a safe. Of course I live in the Houston area which is pretty humid (even with air conditioning) but it can't hurt.



New member
Thanks for the words of wisdom from the forum! Wow, I didn't expect quite the response, but it is awesome and greatly appreciated.

And for those who commented on my injury, I appreciate your concern. Update is it's basically healed, just have the epidermis healing over the actual cut and tear. The stitches have been out for just over a week and it's scaring over quite nicely. Here are some links to the pictures of the wound.

Here's a picture of it before the doc got a hold of it, taken looking from the bottom of my right hand:

Here it is again, zoomed out and stitched up 11 times.