FreeRepublic to host TRT for live on-line chat


Member In Memoriam
One of our most astute TRT members will be hosted by FreeRepublic next week for an on-line live chat. Scheduled to go for 60-90 minutes.

Not too shabby.


Member In Memoriam
Update on the subject ....

Just off the phone with FreeRepublic. The event's set, except for the time .... TBD, but ~6PM, MST, Thursday, 3/23 ... later post re exact time.

Guest of honor will be yours truly.

Last guest FR did was David Horowitz, I'm next. And, although I've been sworn to secrecy re who the next few FR'll do (seriously can't say due to the gig's are not yet confirmed), you would not believe it - HUGE folks at the forefront of the national arena. Serious huge.

TRT has started to garner the attention of some heavies.