Freedom of Speech


New member
When you research freedom of speech and freedom of expression, they are seriously tied together. Seems the guns people buy are a form of personal expression as well. People that buy guns like to modify them, carry them different, buy different guns, etc. Again, all forms of expression. So why isn't the banning of our guns another form of taking away our freedom of expression (freedom of speech)? Not to worry, the ACLU will now be all over me comrad....

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The principle does apply, in philosophical discussions, but in the real world, things are look at quite differently in some particulars.

Freedom of speech, freedom of expression are things who's legal limits are interpreted by our courts, and while many things that once were taboo are now much more permissable, it seems the opposite holds sway with firearms.

Because so many people confuse a statement with an act.

Once upon a time, burning our flag was considered an act, and one rather frowned upon. Today it is considered an expression of free speech, and therefore protected from govt interference under the First Amendment.

An atristic display of firearms would clearly be an expression, but today it seems like the ordinary folks can only see ownership, or enthusiasm for firearms as "dangerous nut with a GUN!!!!!!!!" After all, that's what they are being told they should see, virtually 24/7 by our entertainment/news media.

I do believe that ownership of a firearm (any firearm) is as least as valid an expression of free speech as any dung smeared religious icon in a tax payer funded art exhibition. Probably a bit more so...

But the public perception of guns is not as art, but of brutal killing machines. Again, just what they are being told...

As arms enthusiasts, we see the art in design, and execution, not merely the result of use and misuse. People don't seem to have any problem understanding the appreciation of the style and engineering of automobiles, even if they don't have it themselves. Not so with guns, not for the majority, at any rate.

So eventhough you or I might see something as art, or an expression of free speech, many others see only a threat to their safety. And with the media "teaching" them in one way or another that this is what they should see, its not likely to change soon.


New member
Tom Servo; Intersting articles, for as long as I can remember the ACLU has taken the stand that Second Amendment was a collective right and would generally steer clear of gun control laws.

I Also see on their national website that they specifically state their disagreement with D.C. vs Miller, but...

"The ACLU disagrees with the Supreme Court's conclusion about the nature of the right protected by the Second Amendment. However, particular federal or state laws on licensing, registration, prohibition, or other regulation of the manufacture, shipment, sale, purchase or possession of guns may raise civil liberties questions."

This is good to know, I had written off the ACLU years ago.