Freedom Munitions?


New member

Anybody familiar with them or used any of their ammo? I got an e-mail coupon out of the blue from them offering 10% off your first order, and it just happens to be time to order a few more cases of ammo.... They have pretty good prices on 9mm target ammo, $8.25/box for their reloads $9.25/box for new. I've gotten some reloads from other online shops (USA Ammo) before with good results but I've never heard of this particular group.


New member
Got the same coupon and flyer. Those prices have me real curious as well.

I just did a google search, sounds like they are ex-USA ammo employees (with a USA ammo email list:eek:). Reports sound good so far; if I give them a try I will report back.


New member
I did some googling last night too... from what I could find (posts on other forums, nothing "official") USA Ammo was split into 2 groups, one doing their new ammo the other making reloads. Sometime last year there was a split between the owners and the reloading group eventually broke away and became Freedom Munitions. If you look at USA's site they don't list reloads anymore. So if you had ever ordered reloads from USA the order info went straight to the reloading section and that's how Freedom Munitions has your email address.

I dunno, their ammo prices are good but shipping is expensive. Even with the coupon code you only save about a quarter per box vs BVAC remanufactured stuff.


New member
usa ammo

I placed an order for 2 cases of new 9mm FMJ and received a fedex tracking number in less than 20 minutes. Never had a single problem once


New member
Well I decided to go for an order with them and take advantage of the coupon for some range ammo. Ordered 2000 rounds of 9mm 115gr FMJ re-manufactured and 1000 rounds of .380 Auto 100gr RNFP new. Like sion got a tracking number within 30 min of ordering and Fedex shows the packages were picked up about 2 hours later. I'll post some pics when they arrive.


New member
Ammo arrived today...


